let us not blame the victims.....The only election in Kenya where the real winner was declared was in 2002 and we saw the far reaching changes that brought. Wanjiku has continuously been on the right side of history...
And why not, when the victim is always a willing sucker and active participant in the circus? Even if we allow for, say, 1 to 2 million votes getting stolen in each (presidential) elections after 2002, that still leaves a whole bunch of people willingly choosing all sorts of scoundrels, perverts, and criminals. No getting around that fact.
Another thing is that hardly anyone complains about "theft" below the level of "president". And that is because at the lower levels, both "sides" are going for all sorts of miscreants, in the name of "our man". Devolution has not so much been a devolution of power as it has been a devolution of thievery.
"Wanjiku" as generally portrayed is mostly a myth. The real Wanjiku keeps asking for it and keeps getting it. When and where does said Wanjiku ever
really express concerns on high unemployment, food security, corruption, government services, etc? Take corruption, which many endlessly whine about. When and where was the last massive demonstration on that, in a place where hardly a week goes by without some corruption scandal? (The last one I recall occurred last year and involved about 30 people in a city of millions.)
Yes, 2002 was a major step forward. But that was after 24 hears of Moi beating the crap out of everyone. And even then the stage had been set to see Moi out 10 years earlier, but a lot of "our man" got in the way. Another decade of rear-end
tarimbo clarified minds, which is what it will take to move forward from where the country is right now.
When it comes to elections and "our man", Kenyans are more than happy to engage in all sorts of activities, including the most mindless mayhem---even murder! But in the things that matter between elections?
There are only two ways to wake up Wanjiku: (a) proper civic education, and (b) sufficient pain. Nobody---government of Opposition---has ever shown the slightest interest in (a), which is probably understandable because it would detract from "our man" politics. That leaves (b). In that, they are in "good hands" with
H.E. J. Walker Kenyatta and
Deputy H.E. Singh Arap Mashamba.