What street game? you are getting this wrong. This is not a competition between NASA and Mungiki in the streets. NASA is peacefully demonstrating for a level playing field. What is Mungiki fighting for? If there is a street war between NASA peaceful demonstrators and Mungiki, how is that good for Jubilee.
This has happened before - they ended up beheading folks and FGMing women in central. They have the balls to counter NASA protests... means they are fully mobilized. It means Raila cannot win the street game.
bone headed move...how do you fight citizens with a criminal gang? what are you going to do with those criminals once the current impasse is sorted out? remember once you create a monster you have to keep feeding it else it will eat you and your childrens
bryan who's T-BoN? Seems Jubilee has decided to fight fire with fire.