Author Topic: I Knew The Ruling  (Read 855 times)

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I Knew The Ruling
« on: September 05, 2017, 11:50:49 PM »
As soon as Justice Maraga mentioned the dissenting judges, and spefically Njoki Ndung'u, but before he actually mentioned what the ruling was.  I am thinking this was the same situation for most people familiar with Kenya.

However Githu was not in court.  And Ngatia too.  These ones probably knew the about ruling hours before.
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Harriet Tubman

Offline patel

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Re: I Knew The Ruling
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2017, 12:31:11 AM »
Maraga was smart by hosting settings in different hotels so the NIS could not bug the rooms however in all deliberations Njoki Ndugu secretly had her phone on for jubilee madarins to listen in little did she know others were listening in too....The whole system is rigged and you can imagine the few upright like maraga or msando how much they have to put up with. People of goodwill must stand in the gap and provide cover for those who choose to do the right and honorable thing.