Author Topic: ICC: Fools Left On Their Own  (Read 3386 times)

Offline Omollo

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ICC: Fools Left On Their Own
« on: September 20, 2014, 02:02:50 PM »
Quote from: NutHead

Tactically, the OTP made a huge blunder. She had thought that the witnesses would be declared hostile and their original testimony blindly admitted. What she failed to reckon with was that the witnesses would be so adamant in their recantation, the judges unwilling to give her unlimited latitude, and defense lawyers who would be very aggressive and prepared.

Even if their current utterances are declared lies and the original statements admitted, Kigen, Khan and Faal still reserve the right to cross examine them on the points those statements raise.

I do not think that the judges are going to admit those statements.
When fools are left on their own, they share their idiocy fairly so that in the end they are balanced and in total agreement. It is one thing to peddle falsehoods but it is another to create your own false "reality". They harass away anybody who tries to chip in with some sense. They are so protective of their collective idiocy. I will pick out some for intelligent dissection. Let's start with The Ayatollah of Teheran -Njamlik:

1. He still continues to show unending "sympathy" for his greatest enemy Bensouda. See how he decries the "blunder" that poor Bensouda has made?
2. He "rightly" points out what the poor stupid and ignorant OTP staffed by some of the World's poorest brains did not foresee: That hostile witnesses's statements are not automatically admitted in to the body of evidence! Can't you also marvel at Eminent Advocate Njamlik's scholarship?
3. Notice how unlike the OTP lawyers, he "unfails" to reckon with that hostile witnesses are usually hostile and remain adamant in maintaining their hostility; That judges and defense have to remain alive to the rights and privileges of the same hostile witness (however limited)!!
4. Unlike the OTP, Hon Njamlik the Legal Scholar discovers that cross examination (above) contains limitations especially as concerns the fundamental rights of the witness and constitutional protections or undertakings hitherto entered
5. He makes a rare "discovery": That defense lawyers have an inalienable right to also cross-examine prosecution witnesses - whether hostile or not!!!
6. Finally, with no reason advanced and with no basis provided, "Justice" Njamlik pronounces his judgement: The statements will not be admitted. Note that they are already admitted and that is why the witness is being cross examined about the very statements!!!

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: ICC: Fools Left On Their Own
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2014, 02:12:49 PM »
Quote from: Energizer
The prediction is falling in place like puzzle pieces. Imagine the disaster if Fatsuda was your defense lawyer
When one chooses to become deaf and blind to reality what can you say to it? At no time did anybody claim that recanting witnesses will come forward and swear that they are now lying and that their earlier statements were true! I have checked the record and all I see is the opposite.

The issue was always whether they will appear or not. We said they would: They said they would not as the law is against it! We said the law allows and provides for witnesses to be compelled to testify: They disagreed and claimed the law does not! We showed them the sections of the specific law that expressly provides for that: They refused to accept!

It now turns out that was never the issue! The "new" revised issue was that witnesses cannot be forced to testify to specific things such as what they wrote in their earlier pre-recanting statements! All this being peddled by persons like Energizer who want to be taken seriously! Never mind that the record shows that they are not being truthful. But... the most important thing is that they agree with each other .... just like for the last several months they have proclaimed that the case against Uhuru is dead! If only the truth were by majority vote or opinion!!!
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: ICC: Fools Left On Their Own
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2014, 02:29:28 PM »
Quote from: Energizer
Man Friday, of course i will become unhappy when a puffed up, conceited egotist like you deigns to look down on everyone on this board using vain and patronizing language.

English is a very versatile language, and not everyone has to write in your house niggering, obsequious, handwringing, cap-in-hand, belly crawling at mzungu feet style. The language enables anyone to develop their own unique style and yours is unfortunately NOT the standard, contrary to your haughty proclamation.

Also, learn to stick to the issues, and the fact is that ICC is indeed a geopolitical tool of the AngloZionists you so faithfully serve, just like Robinson Crusoe's Man Friday. On the other hand, Fatso Bensouda, who seems to be a graduate of the Yahya Jammeh school of voodoo law, is an incompetent buffoon, probably the reason she was selected. Unfortunately, she had the bad luck in coming up against real lawyers like Githu Muigai, Karim Khan and Steven Kay. Mta do?

Let's not dwell on the poorly framed and tasteless diatribe against Moon Ki. That was predictable the moment he tried to disturb hyenas feasting on rotten flesh of another dead hyena!

Just notice how Moon Ki is advised to stick to issues by a person who then launches in to a pet conspiracist theory about the ICC. Here are the facts:

1. Kenya was part of the negotiating team prior to the formation of the ICC, with Francis Muthaura leading in lobbying for the court's existence. I have yet to know from Energizer Muthaura's membership number to the Anglo Zionist Club;
2. Kenya then willingly signed the Rome treaty establishing the ICC and went ahead to ratify the pact and operationalize it;
3. Kenya went ahead to domesticate the ICC by enacting the International Crimes act.
4. Note that the Leader of the alleged Anglo Zionists: The American President, strongly lobbied Kenya NOT to sign the Rome treaty or having signed NOT to ratify and having ratified NOT to domesticate and having domesticated attempted to have Kenya "unsign" the treaty! Kenya under Kikuyu President Kibaki REFUSED! She refused with a lot of pride and fanfare!
5. I do not think I can take anybody who thinks Githu Muigai is a fine lawyer very seriously! FYI Githu Muigai is the guy who alone (perhaps with English Language expert "Energizer") thinks the word "Require" when used in summons does not mean to compel! That is how clever he is!

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: ICC: Fools Left On Their Own
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2014, 06:14:29 PM »
With these hostile witness its too early to celebrate,  i think prosecution has an ace up in their sleeve, who knows if these witness were recorded talking to defence go between to recant their or prosecution has proof of payment made to these people. I would wait until everything is out before celebrating.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: ICC: Fools Left On Their Own
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2014, 09:36:36 AM »
OTP are incompetent. The soon we accept that reality the sooner we will realize this circus is going nowhere. Already it down to two cases from original six and it's doesn't look good at all. People keep waiting for smoking gun from otp but there is simply none.
With these hostile witness its too early to celebrate,  i think prosecution has an ace up in their sleeve, who knows if these witness were recorded talking to defence go between to recant their or prosecution has proof of payment made to these people. I would wait until everything is out before celebrating.