Author Topic: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished  (Read 2526 times)

Offline Omollo

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Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« on: July 30, 2017, 01:49:22 PM »
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2017, 02:30:33 PM »
my money still on mutua coming back. unless machakos resident are foolish.

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2017, 02:40:01 PM »
So out of all Kenya, everybody will vote according to tribe and the wishes of their Tribal Demagogue except Machakos?

Do you appreciate why people find your positions entirely founded on moving sand.

Unless Chirchir will remotely vote for him, there is simply no chance. There was never any before Kiala and it just became harder.

In a world where people campaign using rallies, even hired crowds, in a county where people are not known for violence, Mutua has NOT held a single public rally! Not one!

Wavinya goes to the extent of holding a rally within earshot of Mutua's home and she attracts huge crowds and you say Mutua will be re-elected?

On this one bro, I am putting down hard cash. Take your pick.

my money still on mutua coming back. unless machakos resident are foolish.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2017, 03:32:21 PM »
Wavinya-Mutua are kambas. How does tribe come in? Or as always you don't engage your near empty brain. It's about wiper versus someone whom many regard as best performing governor in kenya. Surveys have consistently rank Mutua the best governor - and those interviewed are Machakos residents.

Wiper last election lost many seats - it got only 22 nationally - now it's even weaker. Wavinya herself had her own CCU and so did Prof Kivutha. Wiper is struggling...I am predicting about 15 Mp seats..down from 20 something they got.

MOAS is predicting Mutua win - Musila win (Mwingi-Kitui dynamics) and Kivutha win. Kalonzo the last few days has camped in Machakos and Kitui because he knows things are thick for wiper - he is appealing to Kambas not to leave him high & dry. Raila will get 90% of Machakos but Mutua will win.

So out of all Kenya, everybody will vote according to tribe and the wishes of their Tribal Demagogue except Machakos?

Do you appreciate why people find your positions entirely founded on moving sand.

Unless Chirchir will remotely vote for him, there is simply no chance. There was never any before Kiala and it just became harder.

In a world where people campaign using rallies, even hired crowds, in a county where people are not known for violence, Mutua has NOT held a single public rally! Not one!

Wavinya goes to the extent of holding a rally within earshot of Mutua's home and she attracts huge crowds and you say Mutua will be re-elected?

On this one bro, I am putting down hard cash. Take your pick.

Offline vooke

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2017, 06:00:13 PM »
I'm skeptical of Mutua grabbing it, but Kiala backing out suggests Mutua is a real threat, else why pressure him to step down?
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline vooke

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2017, 10:08:35 AM »
Unremarkable. How now?
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2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2017, 10:32:47 AM »

Offline Omollo

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2017, 11:19:51 AM »

It is becoming a shame for me to engage you. Too many times I hold back and refuse to shame an "elder" like you.

I have read your MOAS and seen the "tribal" constellation you have given Machakos. I have years of connection with Ukambani.

The point here is according to you:

1. People vote according to their tribal loyalties
2. They vote according to what their tribe collectively agree upon
3. The "collective" opinion is offered by a Tribal Demagogue. You have identified a few.

Now for Ukambani Kalonzo is the Tribal Demagogue. Mutua used him in 2013. Wavinya is using him in 2017.

This is how you say it works in Kenya. However because the loser when your "methodology" is used is a Jubilee politician known for launching toilets and stealing, you suddenly want to change it.

Rather than challenge the issues raised, you seek to hide the exposure of your witchcraft (which you call a moas) with cheap Njamlik insults.

Here are some of the things that expose you as a fraud and had you been my student, I would move to terminate your grant/ scholarship and recommend you undergo a fresh application/ intake process:
Surveys have consistently rank Mutua the best governor - and those interviewed are Machakos residents. : Are you the same person who vehemently argued to KM that such things as polls, etc are trumped by King Tribe and Demagogue?
Wavinya-Mutua are kambas. How does tribe come in?: You carefully ignored reading part of the statement I made and let me reproduce and highlight what you ignored:.. will vote according to tribe and the wishes of their Tribal Demagogue...

Other issues you have raised:

1. WDP lost seats: In 2013 all established political parties lost seats. This arose from bungled nomination processes. They were unprepared for the ability of incumbents and moneyed aspirants to manipulate the nominations. Many people who had foreseen that formed own parties of joined outfits. Ndeti had her own outfit but lost to another similar outfit. In the end, Kalonzo simply lifted himself above the fray and freed the Kamba to vote for whoever they wanted but vote CORD. Check the Presidential results to confirm this. If Wiper had lost ground then JP would have won not only seats but more votes than the paltry 9%. did Prof Kivutha: Are you saying that this election will be determined by where Kivutha Kibwana was in 2013 or where he is now? In your mind a voter will go to the booth intending to vote NASA and then get a revelation and stop saying "wait a minute, wasn't Kivutha Kibwana in his own party?... I don't like that... am voting Jubilee!". And you say you have a working brain!Kibwana is ndani, Ndaani na Ndaaaani ya NASA.
3. MOAS is predicting Mutua win - Musila win (Mwingi-Kitui dynamics) and Kivutha win.: Pundit, Musila is inside NASA and so is Kivutha Kibwana. So if your moas happens to say they will win, I have no problem with that. My problem is with your claims about Mutua. Now I think the only benefit I got from this exchange is to sound an alert in NASA about possible JP fraud to assist Mutua.
4.Raila will get 90% of Machakos but Mutua will win.: Probably but Mutua would have to start campaigning. Bombarding Machakos residents with TV and Radio ads plus posters shows he is out of touch. The one hidden fact about Machakos is that it lags behind in literacy and numeracy in the country and is among the ones at the bottom. So Mutua has more luck getting through to kamba cattle with his ads than majority.

Wavinya-Mutua are kambas. How does tribe come in? Or as always you don't engage your near empty brain. It's about wiper versus someone whom many regard as best performing governor in kenya. Surveys have consistently rank Mutua the best governor - and those interviewed are Machakos residents.

Wiper last election lost many seats - it got only 22 nationally - now it's even weaker. Wavinya herself had her own CCU and so did Prof Kivutha. Wiper is struggling...I am predicting about 15 Mp seats..down from 20 something they got.

MOAS is predicting Mutua win - Musila win (Mwingi-Kitui dynamics) and Kivutha win. Kalonzo the last few days has camped in Machakos and Kitui because he knows things are thick for wiper - he is appealing to Kambas not to leave him high & dry. Raila will get 90% of Machakos but Mutua will win.

So out of all Kenya, everybody will vote according to tribe and the wishes of their Tribal Demagogue except Machakos?

Do you appreciate why people find your positions entirely founded on moving sand.

Unless Chirchir will remotely vote for him, there is simply no chance. There was never any before Kiala and it just became harder.

In a world where people campaign using rallies, even hired crowds, in a county where people are not known for violence, Mutua has NOT held a single public rally! Not one!

Wavinya goes to the extent of holding a rally within earshot of Mutua's home and she attracts huge crowds and you say Mutua will be re-elected?

On this one bro, I am putting down hard cash. Take your pick.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2017, 11:28:43 AM »
Long diatribe. If you disagree with MOAS - let's wait for 8.8. For every position - I consider several things - It not like Kalonzo will wipe the floor with wiper in entire ukambani. He will get his presidential vote but will lose lots of MPS & Governorship. He lost in 2013 a lot while as VP and will lose alot more as broke opposition candidate who is selling a laughable idea that Raila will win and hand over to him in 2002. Prof Kivutha won with Mungano party in 203. There are so many non-wiper parties that won uKambani.

I have my own way of gauging popularity of every candidate. For instance in Machakos - Mutua is very popular due to work he did - I am giving him a win - Wiper will take senate, women rep and PORK. In Nairobi I am giving Sonko & Sakaja win - Raila and Muthoni Passaris will also win. 

As a rule of thumb - PORK will most likely be a tribal vote - the lower seats - there are few counties where it's tribal - but most counties it clans/regionalism - coz at that level everyone belong to the same  TRIBE. Don't be as dumb as Kichwa not to understand basic concepts.

I did MOAS long before I saw any opinion poll - but you can see it's mostly holding.

I will do one Final Final MOAS this time round because I intend to get it's very very accurate.


It is becoming a shame for me to engage you. Too many times I hold back and refuse to shame an "elder" like you.

I have read your MOAS and seen the "tribal" constellation you have given Machakos. I have years of connection with Ukambani.

The point here is according to you:

1. People vote according to their tribal loyalties
2. They vote according to what their tribe collectively agree upon
3. The "collective" opinion is offered by a Tribal Demagogue. You have identified a few.

Now for Ukambani Kalonzo is the Tribal Demagogue. Mutua used him in 2013. Wavinya is using him in 2017.

This is how you say it works in Kenya. However because the loser when your "methodology" is used is a Jubilee politician known for launching toilets and stealing, you suddenly want to change it.

Rather than challenge the issues raised, you seek to hide the exposure of your witchcraft (which you call a moas) with cheap Njamlik insults.

Here are some of the things that expose you as a fraud and had you been my student, I would move to terminate your grant/ scholarship and recommend you undergo a fresh application/ intake process:
Surveys have consistently rank Mutua the best governor - and those interviewed are Machakos residents. : Are you the same person who vehemently argued to KM that such things as polls, etc are trumped by King Tribe and Demagogue?
Wavinya-Mutua are kambas. How does tribe come in?: You carefully ignored reading part of the statement I made and let me reproduce and highlight what you ignored:.. will vote according to tribe and the wishes of their Tribal Demagogue...

Other issues you have raised:

1. WDP lost seats: In 2013 all established political parties lost seats. This arose from bungled nomination processes. They were unprepared for the ability of incumbents and moneyed aspirants to manipulate the nominations. Many people who had foreseen that formed own parties of joined outfits. Ndeti had her own outfit but lost to another similar outfit. In the end, Kalonzo simply lifted himself above the fray and freed the Kamba to vote for whoever they wanted but vote CORD. Check the Presidential results to confirm this. If Wiper had lost ground then JP would have won not only seats but more votes than the paltry 9%. did Prof Kivutha: Are you saying that this election will be determined by where Kivutha Kibwana was in 2013 or where he is now? In your mind a voter will go to the booth intending to vote NASA and then get a revelation and stop saying "wait a minute, wasn't Kivutha Kibwana in his own party?... I don't like that... am voting Jubilee!". And you say you have a working brain!Kibwana is ndani, Ndaani na Ndaaaani ya NASA.
3. MOAS is predicting Mutua win - Musila win (Mwingi-Kitui dynamics) and Kivutha win.: Pundit, Musila is inside NASA and so is Kivutha Kibwana. So if your moas happens to say they will win, I have no problem with that. My problem is with your claims about Mutua. Now I think the only benefit I got from this exchange is to sound an alert in NASA about possible JP fraud to assist Mutua.
4.Raila will get 90% of Machakos but Mutua will win.: Probably but Mutua would have to start campaigning. Bombarding Machakos residents with TV and Radio ads plus posters shows he is out of touch. The one hidden fact about Machakos is that it lags behind in literacy and numeracy in the country and is among the ones at the bottom. So Mutua has more luck getting through to kamba cattle with his ads than majority.

Wavinya-Mutua are kambas. How does tribe come in? Or as always you don't engage your near empty brain. It's about wiper versus someone whom many regard as best performing governor in kenya. Surveys have consistently rank Mutua the best governor - and those interviewed are Machakos residents.

Wiper last election lost many seats - it got only 22 nationally - now it's even weaker. Wavinya herself had her own CCU and so did Prof Kivutha. Wiper is struggling...I am predicting about 15 Mp seats..down from 20 something they got.

MOAS is predicting Mutua win - Musila win (Mwingi-Kitui dynamics) and Kivutha win. Kalonzo the last few days has camped in Machakos and Kitui because he knows things are thick for wiper - he is appealing to Kambas not to leave him high & dry. Raila will get 90% of Machakos but Mutua will win.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2017, 12:16:13 PM »
Can one sink this low? Let me try again (please those reqding take note of how I am going to repeat the same things I have pointed out and take note that even on the third attempt, our genius will still be responding in a manner that shows he never read or understood a thing. Then make your own determination about his competence)
Long diatribe. If you disagree with MOAS - let's wait for 8.8.
I have stated why I disagree with your document. I have asked for your methodology. You have not shared and in your own words say:
Quote from: Pundit
I have my own [secret] way of gauging popularity of every candidate.
For every position - I consider several things
When are you going to list the "things" you consider?

- It not like Kalonzo will wipe the floor with wiper in entire ukambani. He will get his presidential vote but will lose lots of MPS & Governorship.
What makes you think he will not? Because Jubilee bought all the sitting MPs? Because in 2013 Kibwana won on an "Independent" ticket? Are you aware that Kibwana's Muungano was inside CORD? Or do you need some evidence like the coalition agreement between CORD and Kibwana?

Olago Aluoch stood against an ODM wave in Kisumu and won. Did Raila lose? BTW he won on a Ford Kenya ticket - another CORD affiliate.

Yet you are presenting these as examples of a loss to first to Wiper and to CORD / NASA. That is 100% dishonest.

He lost in 2013 a lot while as VP and will lose a lot more

Like I have shown above, if you can point at the specific seats and we examine each case deeply, there is no way of determining that it was a "loss". WDP / Kalonzo made several deals. Say a fellow like Nyenze. He is on Wiper but is working for Jubilee. How do you allow him to win? You would rather recommend someone else and then suffer a Pundit "loss" than see him win and have Pundit use it as evidence of Wiper Losing to Jubilee.

as broke opposition candidate who is selling a laughable idea that Raila will win and hand over to him in 2002.

JP is the party that is broke. It is extorting parastatals, dipping into Njiraini's personal slush fund, begging Kirubi for money and sending emissaries to Qatar etc for help. NASA has made it clear to foreign donors to do so at their own risk.l That has slowed the funds and we see blatant theft of state funds to finance campaigns. If Uhuru was not using state choppers etc, he would not manage to hire a chopper. I like the way NASA has penetrated deep inside Uhuru's government and totally dismantled it as a working entity. The Online Rag

Prof Kivutha won with Mungano party in 203. There are so many non-wiper parties that won uKambani.
Repeat: Name the parties and we determine their allegiances both pre and post election in order to determine whether it was a loss or a gain. I repeat: Muungano was part and parcel of CORD. Uhuru got about 5% in Makueni.
I have my own way of gauging popularity of every candidate.
Yeah. It is very personal to you and high secret. It no different from witchcraft. Only you understand it. You should open an astrology website and dazzle old women with predictions and their own personal moases
For instance in Machakos - Mutua is very popular due to work he did - I am giving him a win
Are you capable of avoiding falling for PR and sensationalism? Exactly what did Mutua do?

Oparanya provided cash payments and support to all mothers in Kakamega; Joho has built a stadium and also provided cash payments for all mothers and children under six months; Nanok has constructed more roads than any other county in Kenya! What has Mutua done? Put up a garden? Built disposable roads?

While Oparanya has put up the longest bridge in Western Kenya (more cheaply that Sigiri debacle) Mutua bought used cars at double the price of new ones and is hiding in JP to avoid prosecution. What has he done? Built a hospital like Nyamira and Kisii? He has renovated an old hospital and called it new and you bought it hook liner and sinker!
- Wiper will take senate, women rep and PORK.
and governor.
In Nairobi I am giving Sonko & Sakaja win - Raila and Muthoni Passaris will also win.
Sakaja will not win. Sonko should prepare for a return to complete his prison term.
As a rule of thumb - PORK will most likely be a tribal vote - the lower seats - there are few counties where it's tribal - but most counties it clans/regionalism - coz at that level everyone belong to the same  TRIBE. Don't be as dumb as Kichwa not to understand basic concepts.
do they also listen to the same Tribal Demagogue?
I did MOAS long before I saw any opinion poll - but you can see it's mostly holding.
I disagree.
I will do one Final Final MOAS this time round because I intend to get it's very very accurate.
It will be very enlightening. We shall get an idea of how Chirchir plans to rig this.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline vooke

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2017, 12:25:24 PM »
In Machaa Uhuru had 9.58% in 2013. Pundito gives him 12%, Tifa gives him 37%.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

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Re: Kiala Withdraws: Mutua Finished
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2017, 12:29:12 PM »
Can one sink this low? Let me try again (please those reqding take note of how I am going to repeat the same things I have pointed out and take note that even on the third attempt, our genius will still be responding in a manner that shows he never read or understood a thing. Then make your own determination about his competence)
Long diatribe. If you disagree with MOAS - let's wait for 8.8.
I have stated why I disagree with your document. I have asked for your methodology. You have not shared and in your own words say:
Quote from: Pundit
I have my own [secret] way of gauging popularity of every candidate.
For every position - I consider several things
When are you going to list the "things" you consider?

- It not like Kalonzo will wipe the floor with wiper in entire ukambani. He will get his presidential vote but will lose lots of MPS & Governorship.
What makes you think he will not? Because Jubilee bought all the sitting MPs? Because in 2013 Kibwana won on an "Independent" ticket? Are you aware that Kibwana's Muungano was inside CORD? Or do you need some evidence like the coalition agreement between CORD and Kibwana?

Olago Aluoch stood against an ODM wave in Kisumu and won. Did Raila lose? BTW he won on a Ford Kenya ticket - another CORD affiliate.

Yet you are presenting these as examples of a loss to first to Wiper and to CORD / NASA. That is 100% dishonest.

He lost in 2013 a lot while as VP and will lose a lot more

Like I have shown above, if you can point at the specific seats and we examine each case deeply, there is no way of determining that it was a "loss". WDP / Kalonzo made several deals. Say a fellow like Nyenze. He is on Wiper but is working for Jubilee. How do you allow him to win? You would rather recommend someone else and then suffer a Pundit "loss" than see him win and have Pundit use it as evidence of Wiper Losing to Jubilee.

as broke opposition candidate who is selling a laughable idea that Raila will win and hand over to him in 2002.

JP is the party that is broke. It is extorting parastatals, dipping into Njiraini's personal slush fund, begging Kirubi for money and sending emissaries to Qatar etc for help. NASA has made it clear to foreign donors to do so at their own risk.l That has slowed the funds and we see blatant theft of state funds to finance campaigns. If Uhuru was not using state choppers etc, he would not manage to hire a chopper. I like the way NASA has penetrated deep inside Uhuru's government and totally dismantled it as a working entity. The Online Rag

Prof Kivutha won with Mungano party in 203. There are so many non-wiper parties that won uKambani.
Repeat: Name the parties and we determine their allegiances both pre and post election in order to determine whether it was a loss or a gain. I repeat: Muungano was part and parcel of CORD. Uhuru got about 5% in Makueni.
I have my own way of gauging popularity of every candidate.
Yeah. It is very personal to you and high secret. It no different from witchcraft. Only you understand it. You should open an astrology website and dazzle old women with predictions and their own personal moases
For instance in Machakos - Mutua is very popular due to work he did - I am giving him a win
Are you capable of avoiding falling for PR and sensationalism? Exactly what did Mutua do?

Oparanya provided cash payments and support to all mothers in Kakamega; Joho has built a stadium and also provided cash payments for all mothers and children under six months; Nanok has constructed more roads than any other county in Kenya! What has Mutua done? Put up a garden? Built disposable roads?

While Oparanya has put up the longest bridge in Western Kenya (more cheaply that Sigiri debacle) Mutua bought used cars at double the price of new ones and is hiding in JP to avoid prosecution. What has he done? Built a hospital like Nyamira and Kisii? He has renovated an old hospital and called it new and you bought it hook liner and sinker!
- Wiper will take senate, women rep and PORK.
and governor.
In Nairobi I am giving Sonko & Sakaja win - Raila and Muthoni Passaris will also win.
Sakaja will not win. Sonko should prepare for a return to complete his prison term.
As a rule of thumb - PORK will most likely be a tribal vote - the lower seats - there are few counties where it's tribal - but most counties it clans/regionalism - coz at that level everyone belong to the same  TRIBE. Don't be as dumb as Kichwa not to understand basic concepts.
do they also listen to the same Tribal Demagogue?
I did MOAS long before I saw any opinion poll - but you can see it's mostly holding.
I disagree.
I will do one Final Final MOAS this time round because I intend to get it's very very accurate.
It will be very enlightening. We shall get an idea of how Chirchir plans to rig this.

Omorlo, you're one week away from reckoning.

We'll test your deep and extensive Machaa connections as well as Luhya abhorring adulterers.

Rants won't add to your errors, they just magnify your embarrassment
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.