Author Topic: SGR is not counted as a government project but that of Kenya Railways  (Read 1257 times)

Offline Globalcitizen12

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I lifted this from Epharim Njenga's Facebook. This guy is has very good economic information. He is numbers are very through

Looking at the balance sheet of KR (railways) it has 232 billion in debt and it has capitalized 131 Billion for the SGR railway as capital in progress.. which means that the 4 trillion borrowed went to recurrent expenditure and not infrastructure as JUBILEEE has been lying to kenyans

Jubilee claims to have invested massively in infrastructure and that it has hence laid a foundation for serious returns to Kenya in terms of economic growth and development.
For the first time I have analysed where all the national government development spending has ended in. Between June 2013 and 31st May 2017 Jubilee spent KShs 1,145,446,449,849.9 on development.
The amount was distributed to various, ministries, departments and agencies as follows. Do Kenyans really expect anything out of this? Notice the SGR is not accounted for in the figures because it is treated as a project of Kenya Railways

Offline patel

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What is going on at state department of planning?  How does this department swallow such a huge chunk of the budget? 

Offline RV Pundit

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SGR has always been Kenya Railways project. Kenya Railways is full owned GOK parastal. Kenya Railways is expected to pay for the railway - with treasury only acting as guarantor.

Offline Globalcitizen12

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The most amazing thing is that very little money in 5 years have been spent on infrastructure.last year gok borrowed 600 billion and only spent 55 on development. Most of the development is opaque ministry spending. Water ministy. Has the biggest chunk of these funds. I wonder how many dams and irrigation schemes we're developed. Kenya need to stop borrowing to pay recurrent expenditure and service debt

Offline Globalcitizen12

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]Chart with 5 year of Spending.. Recurrent expenditure is 42%.. this does not factor County recurrent expenditure of which I understand is as high as 85% so the 850 billion should be added to the 42% this bring total recurrent expenditure to about 55%