Author Topic: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest  (Read 6287 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2017, 05:14:04 PM »
I am excited because I know Jubilee will win and they are serious about this Manifesto. They would still win without it. But I think they want to go down in history as the most trans-formative regime in Kenya. Sitting before those ICC judges really shocked the hell out of them and they realized they needed to live for something bigger.

I like their business minded approach, their zen-like discipline, their execution is near perfect - that is how to deliver SGR 2yrs ahead of schedule. Unlike you or Kadame I am not big on justice/peace/consitutionalism - I am big on kagame type of reforms - I don't care about historical injustice - but I care if everyone can get be given a titledeed to borrow loan with or sell - I don't care so much about big fish corruption (mega deals) - I care about small time corruption where everyone has to pay 100bob to get gov services - I think Jubilee has focused on those - eliminating red-tape, digitizing the whole shit out of it - and without even doing anything about graft - it disappears and gok collect more revenue now. I don't care about 10B SGR loan (maybe 1B or more of it's is facilitation fee to Wanjigis)..I care that every kenyan will now travel at 700shs to Mombasa on half the time and the same benefits on containners... What is 1Busd compared to a multiplier like that?

In short I care about reforms that really affect me and you. I think Jubilee have the brains. Uhuru is damn brilliant. Ruto is a genius. I think they understand what need to be fixed. You can talk all day about corruption...but if you reduce the amount of time it take for container to get malaba from 18 days to 5 days - using simple measures like forcing banks to operate 24-7 - those are reforms that work.

Obviously you care about democracy or new constitution or historical injustices or truth & reconciliation - frankly I don't give a damn - give every kenyan a tarmac road few meters from their home - give every kenyan electricity - give every kenya rail transport that work - give every kenyan a title deed - give every kenyan water - those are the stuff that matters.

China never had democracy and they grew out of poverty. The same is true for many countries that focused on the the really important things..the bread & butter. The job of GoK is to render gov services..NOT to wrestle with complicated emotional stuff nobody can ever terrorism or historical injustice or reclaim mau complex...give us more well paid police..give us more security cameras...give us more magistrates and courts...those are stuff that work.

I wish political competition can shift to Jubiliesque kind of issue..and we leave Raila hangovers to the past...and we can start debating how we can say move our road network from 15% tarmac to something like 90% tarmac.... let people compete on how we cancoverage of sewage & sanitation..let talk the numbers there and how much you want to improve about water, internet/broabband, banking (access is now dealt with - nearly everyone has a bank account it's question cheap credit for everyone)

Pundit, I do not know why you stress too much over these manifestos. Even in the so called advanced Democracy like the US, nobody remembers the political party platforms after the conventions.  Who cares.  Even by your own standards, the MOAS is the only thing that should matter. Other than the laptop computers that stuck with me, I do not remember the Jubilee manifesto of 2013. Now they are back with a new one which will go to dust as soon as the elections are over.  Its a good thing to do but really?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2017, 05:42:57 PM »
Big for kisumu

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2017, 05:54:19 PM »
I am excited because I know Jubilee will win and they are serious about this Manifesto. They would still win without it. But I think they want to go down in history as the most trans-formative regime in Kenya. Sitting before those ICC judges really shocked the hell out of them and they realized they needed to live for something bigger.

I like their business minded approach, their zen-like discipline, their execution is near perfect - that is how to deliver SGR 2yrs ahead of schedule. Unlike you or Kadame I am not big on justice/peace/consitutionalism - I am big on kagame type of reforms - I don't care about historical injustice - but I care if everyone can get be given a titledeed to borrow loan with or sell - I don't care so much about big fish corruption (mega deals) - I care about small time corruption where everyone has to pay 100bob to get gov services - I think Jubilee has focused on those - eliminating red-tape, digitizing the whole shit out of it - and without even doing anything about graft - it disappears and gok collect more revenue now. I don't care about 10B SGR loan (maybe 1B or more of it's is facilitation fee to Wanjigis)..I care that every kenyan will now travel at 700shs to Mombasa on half the time and the same benefits on containners... What is 1Busd compared to a multiplier like that?

In short I care about reforms that really affect me and you. I think Jubilee have the brains. Uhuru is damn brilliant. Ruto is a genius. I think they understand what need to be fixed. You can talk all day about corruption...but if you reduce the amount of time it take for container to get malaba from 18 days to 5 days - using simple measures like forcing banks to operate 24-7 - those are reforms that work.

Obviously you care about democracy or new constitution or historical injustices or truth & reconciliation - frankly I don't give a damn - give every kenyan a tarmac road few meters from their home - give every kenyan electricity - give every kenya rail transport that work - give every kenyan a title deed - give every kenyan water - those are the stuff that matters.

China never had democracy and they grew out of poverty. The same is true for many countries that focused on the the really important things..the bread & butter. The job of GoK is to render gov services..NOT to wrestle with complicated emotional stuff nobody can ever terrorism or historical injustice or reclaim mau complex...give us more well paid police..give us more security cameras...give us more magistrates and courts...those are stuff that work.

I wish political competition can shift to Jubiliesque kind of issue..and we leave Raila hangovers to the past...and we can start debating how we can say move our road network from 15% tarmac to something like 90% tarmac.... let people compete on how we cancoverage of sewage & sanitation..let talk the numbers there and how much you want to improve about water, internet/broabband, banking (access is now dealt with - nearly everyone has a bank account it's question cheap credit for everyone)

I totally agree with this. The foundation is being laid and the coming years look quite rosy. On corruption, bureaucracy is what festers corruption. Removing bureaucracy and digitizing its what will reduce corruption at the mwanainchi level. If we can encourage more productivity in every sector we'll start hitting 10% growth rates. 

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2017, 06:20:32 PM »
Yeap we are nearly at cusp of the leapfrog stage. Country growth is a bit like hockey stick shape. It takes for what seem like forever and it can be frustrating but once you sort out the basics and lay the foundation - then you enter into a growth phase which is irreversible.

When I look at Kenya - I think we are nearly there - off my head I think we now need to focus on 3 things --roads,rails,water & sanitation- we need to fix roads (our % of asphlat road is still embarrassing but looking at 7,000 kms under construction and if we can sustain this (hopefully borrow from Chinese or have US kind of BOT). Electricity (both supply & demand side) on autopilot now, banking (finance & inter mediation) - auto-pilot - small fixes here and there. Telcom & broadban/Fiber - nearly there. Education - nearly there. Security -nearly there. Judiciary nearly there - we need more courts & prisons - at least in every constituency & backlog need to be history. Devolution - done. Land & property rights - nearly there. Gov bureaucracy nearly there. Then we need to slowly formalize our informal economy - in retail & wholesale - we are already second to rsa only - transport is the next - maybe farming.

I'd ask Jubilee to triple efforts to ensure by 2022 - at least 80% of kenyans live 1km from a tarmac road - this is pretty achievable - we just need to double or triple the roads we are building- then focus on water & sanitation - those mega dams should include piping water - then sewage for towns.

After that - we should just sit back & relax as global money rushes to Kenya - we would have dealt with the basic.

I totally agree with this. The foundation is being laid and the coming years look quite rosy. On corruption, bureaucracy is what festers corruption. Removing bureaucracy and digitizing its what will reduce corruption at the mwanainchi level. If we can encourage more productivity in every sector we'll start hitting 10% growth rates. 

Offline Omollo

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2017, 06:55:07 PM »
What is this nonsense?

KBL / EABL was given 80 acres of prime land in the late 70s for free to set up a plant in Kisumu. They did and operated it for a few years then closed it. They sold off all the prime properties built on the land given to them (and which had been compulsorily acquired at the same time as the molasses plant land which GEMA makes most noise about).

Excuse me if I find this a bit funny and no doubt Kisumu people will find it sickening.

Not more thanj a year ago, EABL stated that it was not economic to revive the Kisumu plant or put up another in Western. The ywould continue to transport beer to western and make use of their depots.

I think they are coming to the rescue of Uthamaki and nothing meaningful will come out of that. Makes me think Uhuru has a trip planned for Kisumu and this is pre-campaign propaganda.

Any wayx, if they do set it up, President Raila Odinga will officially "launch" it.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2017, 07:04:23 PM »
KEG beer - made from sorghum - grown in Luo Nyanza - is the reason. Not everything is a conspiracy. EABL owned by Daegeo don't care about local politics. They are here to make money. Kisumu people should embrace this - 110,000 jobs is not something to smear - if not they can set it up in Kericho - around Muhoroni-Kipsitet is now industrial area - with cement, steel, sugar and other companies set up.
What is this nonsense?

KBL / EABL was given 80 acres of prime land in the late 70s for free to set up a plant in Kisumu. They did and operated it for a few years then closed it. They sold off all the prime properties built on the land given to them (and which had been compulsorily acquired at the same time as the molasses plant land which GEMA makes most noise about).

Excuse me if I find this a bit funny and no doubt Kisumu people will find it sickening.

Not more thanj a year ago, EABL stated that it was not economic to revive the Kisumu plant or put up another in Western. The ywould continue to transport beer to western and make use of their depots.

I think they are coming to the rescue of Uthamaki and nothing meaningful will come out of that. Makes me think Uhuru has a trip planned for Kisumu and this is pre-campaign propaganda.

Any wayx, if they do set it up, President Raila Odinga will officially "launch" it.

Offline hk

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2017, 07:19:47 PM »
What is this nonsense?

KBL / EABL was given 80 acres of prime land in the late 70s for free to set up a plant in Kisumu. They did and operated it for a few years then closed it. They sold off all the prime properties built on the land given to them (and which had been compulsorily acquired at the same time as the molasses plant land which GEMA makes most noise about).

Excuse me if I find this a bit funny and no doubt Kisumu people will find it sickening.

Not more thanj a year ago, EABL stated that it was not economic to revive the Kisumu plant or put up another in Western. The ywould continue to transport beer to western and make use of their depots.

I think they are coming to the rescue of Uthamaki and nothing meaningful will come out of that. Makes me think Uhuru has a trip planned for Kisumu and this is pre-campaign propaganda.

Any wayx, if they do set it up, President Raila Odinga will officially "launch" it.
Seriously!! :D :D :D Do you have to oppose everything even if its good? Just like raila . If kisumu people don't want it Tharaka Nithii will offer land exempt land rates to setup the plant in the county(incoming governor muthomi can make the necessary arrangements). Already the county is a serious sorghum producer.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2017, 08:19:06 PM »
HK, I think Omollo stated the reasons why he is skeptical.  This is a political reason and it is very healthy for folks to be  very skeptical.  These people will do anything to get elected.  The timing and the way its being rolled out with all the fan fair associated with Jubilee's presidential campaign is enough to raise suspicion.

What is this nonsense?

KBL / EABL was given 80 acres of prime land in the late 70s for free to set up a plant in Kisumu. They did and operated it for a few years then closed it. They sold off all the prime properties built on the land given to them (and which had been compulsorily acquired at the same time as the molasses plant land which GEMA makes most noise about).

Excuse me if I find this a bit funny and no doubt Kisumu people will find it sickening.

Not more thanj a year ago, EABL stated that it was not economic to revive the Kisumu plant or put up another in Western. The ywould continue to transport beer to western and make use of their depots.

I think they are coming to the rescue of Uthamaki and nothing meaningful will come out of that. Makes me think Uhuru has a trip planned for Kisumu and this is pre-campaign propaganda.

Any wayx, if they do set it up, President Raila Odinga will officially "launch" it.
Seriously!! :D :D :D Do you have to oppose everything even if its good? Just like raila . If kisumu people don't want it Tharaka Nithii will offer land exempt land rates to setup the plant in the county(incoming governor muthomi can make the necessary arrangements). Already the county is a serious sorghum producer.
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Offline hk

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2017, 08:59:32 PM »
HK, I think Omollo stated the reasons why he is skeptical.  This is a political reason and it is very healthy for folks to be  very skeptical.  These people will do anything to get elected.  The timing and the way its being rolled out with all the fan fair associated with Jubilee's presidential campaign is enough to raise suspicion.

Its precisely the reasons omollo stated that EABL is now making the investment.That is they already own land and warehouses etc and readily available raw materials. I believe Oburu is one of the serious sorghum farmers in the area, I bet he's not skeptical.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #29 on: June 28, 2017, 11:37:49 PM »
EABL sold most of the prime land they got. Warehouses around western were also sold. I know the buyer -Midlands Emporium of Kisumu and Kakamega.

As for pundit please stick to spreading Jubilee propaganda. I was a student when we took a trip to the brewery and saw the entire production. My father used to buy machicha for the cows. So when you LIE that it was a depot I start wondering what else you lie about here. Honesty is not a buffet.

You have HK fantasizing about non existent warehouses. Tell me one reason why a corporation would keep money guzzling assets. I knew the then property manager and did get a copy of the sale prospectus signed by Mrs Muhoho who was the company secretary and wife of Uhuru Kenyatta's uncle! If they kept something- Which I understand they did - it's because there were no buyers since they didn't want to sell to Keroche. But they ripped it apart and scrapped most of what couldn't be shipped to Nairobi.

Please feel free to believe the lie.

Keroche is well marketed in western. I can't see how a factory would serve EABL without the same reasons it closed coming into play. If they increase production beyond the consumption they would need to transport it out of kisumu. Eventually more is transported out to Nairobi etc than is consumed locally. Which fact would make current production in Ruaraka a better option. The monopoly is gone making every minute margin count.

This is all political poppycock and they're drunk on it. HK says he's an economist. Here we see politically motivated economics at work. Pugh!!!

HK, I think Omollo stated the reasons why he is skeptical.  This is a political reason and it is very healthy for folks to be  very skeptical.  These people will do anything to get elected.  The timing and the way its being rolled out with all the fan fair associated with Jubilee's presidential campaign is enough to raise suspicion.

Its precisely the reasons omollo stated that EABL is now making the investment.That is they already own land and warehouses etc and readily available raw materials. I believe Oburu is one of the serious sorghum farmers in the area, I bet he's not skeptical.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2017, 07:37:16 AM »
EABL sold most of the prime land they got. Warehouses around western were also sold. I know the buyer -Midlands Emporium of Kisumu and Kakamega.

As for pundit please stick to spreading Jubilee propaganda. I was a student when we took a trip to the brewery and saw the entire production. My father used to buy machicha for the cows. So when you LIE that it was a depot I start wondering what else you lie about here. Honesty is not a buffet.

You have HK fantasizing about non existent warehouses. Tell me one reason why a corporation would keep money guzzling assets. I knew the then property manager and did get a copy of the sale prospectus signed by Mrs Muhoho who was the company secretary and wife of Uhuru Kenyatta's uncle! If they kept something- Which I understand they did - it's because there were no buyers since they didn't want to sell to Keroche. But they ripped it apart and scrapped most of what couldn't be shipped to Nairobi.

Please feel free to believe the lie.

Keroche is well marketed in western. I can't see how a factory would serve EABL without the same reasons it closed coming into play. If they increase production beyond the consumption they would need to transport it out of kisumu. Eventually more is transported out to Nairobi etc than is consumed locally. Which fact would make current production in Ruaraka a better option. The monopoly is gone making every minute margin count.

This is all political poppycock and they're drunk on it. HK says he's an economist. Here we see politically motivated economics at work. Pugh!!!

Omollo, So EABL still has land in kisumu right? Already Western and Nyanza produce or has potential to produce lots of sorghum so it makes sense to setup a plant where one the company has assets and readily available raw materials. As cost of transportation goes down,distribution cost wont be significant. EABL is now producing more keg than any other brand except tusker. Spirits and keg are the only categories that are growing. Btw there's nowhere I have ever stated that I am an economist.

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Re: Disorganized NASA yet to start their manifesto in middle of a forest
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2017, 06:10:36 PM »
I have run out of ways to explain this simple issue to HK. If anybody else has understood kindly help me end what I suspect is wiiful stupidity.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread