Author Topic: Onyango Oloo wa TNA before the landmark court ruling.  (Read 957 times)

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Onyango Oloo wa TNA before the landmark court ruling.
« on: June 25, 2017, 12:21:43 AM »
Onyango Oloo on Press Pass before the IEBC ruling, NTV:

"Stop being ignorant Mr Kinyanjui. We have been in the inner circle of these things. You are just a novice in this game, so let me educate you.

The game plan of rigging is very simple. Jubilee was actually pushing for the use of manual back up incase the technology fails.

This would be compatible with the printing of
excess ballot papers and stuff them during voting. Technology would then artificially be compelled to fail so that the manual back up comes in.

This is where the ghosts that don't physically show up at the polling station would vote because there is no biometric identification.
Once more, the stuffing of the ballot papers would be justified during the transmission of the presidential results to the national tallying center.

At this point, the IEBC chairman would then doctor the results by inflating the same in favor of Uhuru. But I want to remind you, that the court will make a landmark ruling today that will determine our fate.

If the loop holes are sealed through a determination that would see results at the
constituency levels being final, then know that by eighth August, your next president is Raila Odinga.

That is the bitter pill you will have to swallow even if you get choked." ~ Onyango Oloo
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza