Author Topic: Kiunjuri like Kimunya will soon find out who rules Kenya.  (Read 945 times)

Offline Globalcitizen12

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Now that I have your attention Kiunjuri has a bone to pick with Nandis. While in Uni Kiunjuri used to run his motor mouth and disrespect Nandis. So one time they decided they gonna teach the loud mouth. The took him to Eldoret and hosted him vilivyo. The greedy Kiunjuri drank to his fill and then the guys took him to a local place where he could meet local hard knocks. Here kiunjuri started his verbal diarehea the guys let him do it and then someone decided he had enough. Challeged the moron to a fight. He got a proper beating that he showed on campus with a swollen face and a really damaged ego. He never dared disrespect Nandis. He had taken their politeness and generosity for cowardness. So as Kiunjuru continues his IEBC crusade he should remember Laikipia and all that area he calls home is homeland of Samburus and when they get tired with his arse they will give him another kichapo ya ubwa