Pundit, how did Ruto forget to nip this "independent candidate" bud when MPs passed the law on party hopping? Was it an oversight? He is making too many blunders including appointing clueless Tuju to run Jubilee.
Ruto is being played like a rock guitar. He thinks he is eliminating his opponents but Jubilee has kept their key men intact and undisturbed. Waiguru is ok. Kiunjuri is fine after Ruto was cheated that he would be VP. The moment he says he will be VP someone else would stand up and defy the alliance - Kibaki and Uhuru style.
The Moi Parallel cannot work in a place with even minimal democracy. Ngilu kept NARC party in her handbag hoping to be propelled to the presidency. It is now a certificate issuing machine for disgruntled candidates. The same with Martha Karua. Kalonzo found ODM-K would not be any helpful to him beyond 2007.
Yes Ruto will have a party. He just forgot to make it functional. Like hold regular party organ meetings and not let the secretariat and the civil service run it. Moi had to make serious changes after 1991 to manage to hold to power in 1992 and 1997. JP joins others like GNU, PNU etc immediately after these elections.
Until Kibaki stole KICC from KANU it had its own independent income and a large number of highly loyal members who had a clear agenda. Let's face it, KANU under Moi had two items on the agenda and that was to keep Kikuyus out of power and to ensure that the Kikuyu - Luo alliance never wakes up. With the coming of Uhuru Kenyatta, Moi effectively dismantled his own party. I usually get in trouble with Raila loyalists when I state that. The prevailing wisdom is that Raila destroyed KANU from within. Ruto too thinks he can seize Jubilee, tame Kikuyus and lead them to the seat of the throne where they will crown him. Raila thought so too.