Nyenze is an old Uhuru loyalist. He was sent a few weeks ago to issue an ultimatum when Uhuru was getting worked up by the suspense. He did was called in by Wiper and reprimanded. He pledged never to do it again.
No sooner had the flag bearer been named than he did it again. This time he had enlisted Musila to the press conference. Musila was not aware of the NASA has shortchanged Kambas line and was visibly taken aback when Nyenze deviated from the pre-agreed script to demand a re-run of Kiutu Governor race.
Musila had resigned as the Chairman of WDP and nyenze has no post in the party. His position as Leader of Minority is derived from the CORD (now NASA) alliance. He is a creature of the alliance he is being paid to wreck.
You may note the following:
1. Kambas have never been so united. Ngilu has made peace with Kalonzo and hopes either for support or neutrality in respect of Kitui governor seat
2. Apart from Jubilee Chap Chap, all other outfits have folded either to join Jubilee or NASA. That has left Wiper as the dominant party under kalonzo. I think Jubilee was not aware that they were helping. Contrast this with the multiple outfits that one saw in Ukambani in 2013 with Ngilu and Kalonzo pulling in opposite directions!
3. There is no prominent Kamba in Jubilee since Ngilu was imprisoned and dumped. Kalonzo has the highest offer any Kamba has ghot from the two alliances.
The raw deal thing is an NIS attempt. The idea was to get both Kalonzo and Mudavadi to bolt at the last minute. It has spectacularly failed. I can comfortably tell you that Uhuru Kenyatta is going home.
Ukambani might pee on Raila's party the way things are going. This "raw deal" revolt could be a new factor.
Precisely.Two horse race mean someone has to score 50%. Not unless you've third candidate - taking say 2% - and you end up with 49% versus 49% or something close to that.
The way I see NASA will be beaten and they will demand a re-run by running to supreme court & causing chaos.