Author Topic: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions  (Read 11377 times)

Offline Empedocles

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #40 on: October 30, 2016, 10:13:47 AM »
Interesting. If we could only get the response from Uhuru on this. very solid report. This is where Dr Ndii and Githongo would have been helpful in the conference where Uhuru called all key guys for chat. I think Uhuru has shown the political will to nail corruption - he just need to focus on this.

What an utter fallacy!

Uhuru is in absolutely no way interested in reining down on corruption. For Uhuru to try and stop corruption would mean a quick and painful end to his presidency, which is 100% based on eating.

Backed by precedents firmly established by his father followed by Moi and Kibaki, what we can will expect, at the very most, from Uhuru is the demand to the perpetrators to "step aside" while the obligatory sham "investigations" are conducted. A couple of court appearances here, a couple of court appearances there. We know the playbook by heart.

To think otherwise is to think Uhuru is an idiot.

Offline hk

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #41 on: October 30, 2016, 11:11:50 AM »
Interesting. If we could only get the response from Uhuru on this. very solid report. This is where Dr Ndii and Githongo would have been helpful in the conference where Uhuru called all key guys for chat. I think Uhuru has shown the political will to nail corruption - he just need to focus on this.

Everything starts with funds allocation, money can only be stolen if the ministry or institution has excess cash by either not spending on priorities or over-allocation of funds. To this end Uhuru was suppose to setup a budget office independent of treasury. That hasn't happened, and its Uhuru fault. When he prioritises he can fight corruption, case in point is the streamlining of the port where corruption has been greatly reduced.
Even more ridiculous uhuru sister company is part of special marginalised group because she's a woman . This is why I hate affirmative action cause of how easy it is to abuse. Now we have road contractors who have no business being road contractors all because of this affirmative action. Doing shady job because their biggest qualification is they're either women,youth or disabled.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #42 on: October 31, 2016, 09:59:51 AM »
Yeah it all starts with suplimentary budget...meaning the stealing is planned long before the tenders are out.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #43 on: October 31, 2016, 05:36:42 PM »
A serious war on corruption will only begin post ouruto.  Its up to Kenyans or fate when that will be. Either in 2017 or 2022 through elections or whenever through fate.

Interesting. If we could only get the response from Uhuru on this. very solid report. This is where Dr Ndii and Githongo would have been helpful in the conference where Uhuru called all key guys for chat. I think Uhuru has shown the political will to nail corruption - he just need to focus on this.

Everything starts with funds allocation, money can only be stolen if the ministry or institution has excess cash by either not spending on priorities or over-allocation of funds. To this end Uhuru was suppose to setup a budget office independent of treasury. That hasn't happened, and its Uhuru fault. When he prioritises he can fight corruption, case in point is the streamlining of the port where corruption has been greatly reduced.
Even more ridiculous uhuru sister company is part of special marginalised group because she's a woman . This is why I hate affirmative action cause of how easy it is to abuse. Now we have road contractors who have no business being road contractors all because of this affirmative action. Doing shady job because their biggest qualification is they're either women,youth or disabled.
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Offline MOON Ki

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #44 on: November 01, 2016, 01:18:55 AM »
The CS and PS in Health have strongly defended the various companies---that they supplied the gods they were paid to supply.   For example, Estama Investments has supposedly supplied, at great cost to Kenyans, a large number of mobile clinics.    Months ago, we are told.  Not a one has actually been delivered to any end-user---perhaps with good reason  :D---but a few of these advanced mobile clinics have now been shown, for the benefit of Enquiring Minds:

No comment.   
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Offline Kadudu

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #45 on: November 01, 2016, 01:25:50 PM »
Now I know a new expression for mobile. Without wheels and static. We Kenyans are being taken for granted.

The CS and PS in Health have strongly defended the various companies---that they supplied the gods they were paid to supply.   For example, Estama Investments has supposedly supplied, at great cost to Kenyans, a large number of mobile clinics.    Months ago, we are told.  Not a one has actually been delivered to any end-user---perhaps with good reason  :D---but a few of these advanced mobile clinics have now been shown, for the benefit of Enquiring Minds:

No comment.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #46 on: November 01, 2016, 02:44:23 PM »
Yeah doesn't make any sense if you consider this function was devolved. Mafyia crooks are shameless. If they wanted to do something - they would have re-painted KNH - which looks quite depressing - and is national function.We need to keep pressure until that crooked Ps Muraguru goes home and possibly jail together with the fellow crooks.

Now I know a new expression for mobile. Without wheels and static. We Kenyans are being taken for granted.

Offline Empedocles

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #47 on: November 01, 2016, 05:44:13 PM »
Yeah doesn't make any sense if you consider this function was devolved. Mafyia crooks are shameless. If they wanted to do something - they would have re-painted KNH - which looks quite depressing - and is national function.We need to keep pressure until that crooked Ps Muraguru goes home and possibly jail together with the fellow crooks.

Now I know a new expression for mobile. Without wheels and static. We Kenyans are being taken for granted.


Offline MOON Ki

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #48 on: November 01, 2016, 06:08:42 PM »
Yeah doesn't make any sense if you consider this function was devolved. Mafyia crooks are shameless. If they wanted to do something - they would have re-painted KNH - which looks quite depressing - and is national function.We need to keep

I think they did a pretty good job repainting those shipping containers, don't you?
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Offline Kadame5

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2016, 08:55:39 AM »
Unhelpful defeatist cynical comments won't move this country.Engage your brains and suggest what can work all constraints considered.I am glad the Register of Companies has confirmed records can no longer disappear and we are dealing with real people..not shadowy figures registered abroad.I see lots of progress.Kenya is making progress..all the accused want due process..give them the chance.we have to keep moving the bolts.We should never give up or think changing leadership nothing.This is an opportunity to move forward...find the loopholes and seal them.The time to vote will  come but for now our focus should be identifying how we can improve gov tendering and procurement.T
To the contrary, patronizing and attempting to shield a corrupt and inept leadership from total excoriation is what is unhelpful. Outing and criticizing them is part of the brainstorming you are referring to. If they should not be criticized at the moment when their hand is caught in the cookie jar, then when? Also, getting rid of them is as good a suggested solution as any to my mind. In fact, it's the precise sort of solution democracy suggests. I remember you used to called Uhuru 'screwball', but I see much has changed in a year. Must be the election fever kicking in.

Offline Empedocles

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2016, 07:16:12 PM »
To the contrary, patronizing and attempting to shield a corrupt and inept leadership from total excoriation is what is unhelpful. Outing and criticizing them is part of the brainstorming you are referring to. If they should not be criticized at the moment when their hand is caught in the cookie jar, then when? Also, getting rid of them is as good a suggested solution as any to my mind. In fact, it's the precise sort of solution democracy suggests. I remember you used to called Uhuru 'screwball', but I see much has changed in a year. Must be the election fever kicking in.


Too bad most of us are wholly blind to any transgressions by our preferred candidates.

Offline Empedocles

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Re: Owners of the companies that fleeced MAfya House of billions
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2016, 07:25:39 PM »
Amusing small development:

Nation Media company received Mafia House cash, CS Mucheru says in letter to Media Council

ICT CS Joe Mucheru has torn into Nation Media Group over its reportage of the Sh5.3 billion HealthGate affair, saying a company it owns received Sh2.3 million.

Late edit:

NMG's statement on its alleged ownership of Gazeti Limited

It has come to our attention that a company called Gazeti Ltd which allegedly received payment under the interim audit report from Afya House, has been linked to Nation Media Group as one of its associate companies. We wish to clarify that Gazeti Ltd or its associate entities is not and has never been part of the NMG subsidiaries. It is a contracted third party.

We wish to clarify that NMG has not received any cash payments under the interim audit report from Ministry of Health currently under discussion. Any payments that NMG may have received from the Ministry of Health were for services properly procured and invoiced. As a publicly listed company, all our associate companies are declared in our annual reports which is a public document and everyone is welcomed to confirm.

Game on.