The strongest denominator for me is the level of education. The more we churn graduates and post graduates - the more we can see them setting small and medium enteprise...that eventually transition to big enterprises. We need to invest more and more on university education. I am disappointed Uhuru think we should do polythenics and vocational course..I think for me we should allow universities to offer vocation courses....but ensure at least in every constitutuency...we have a public university....say 350 public universities in the next 10 yrs....with ability to enroll all the 500,000 student graduating from high schools...and slowly we can weed out the mama mboga/dukawallas and jua-kali welders.
A std 8 or below juakali guy running his manufacturing hustle cannot graduate to sme - he will always remain hobbled and will stick to producing sufurias for years. But university graduate who start making sufurias..will soon be doing big things.
If you read this report - that is very apparent - when you get to classification & earnings - the level of education is the big elephant. The difference btw say kenya and say a developed world.
Interesting that Manufacturing is only second to retail and wholesale as a category. If we can have more consolidation some of this small companies will grow to big companies with scale.