I no longer subscribe to the notion that the way Kenya operates is different from how the Kenyan on the street wants it.
Neither do I. To put it in Americanese, Kenyans are in a/their "comfort zone". Nothing will change as long as elections and so on---and that's where the "regular folks" have anything like real power---are decided on the basis of our-this and our-that, without the slightest thought given to character, integrity, past performance, potential for future performance, etc.
The way things work right now is that the electorate doesn't think of those things when it should, gets furious and disgusted for 5 years, throws out a bunch of people, and then (going back to the start) elects a similar lot for the replacements.
It took 24 years of Moi beating the crap out of them to get Kenyans to think differently. Then it was back to business-as-usual. Right now Uhuru's government has been using its "tyranny of numbers" to get into "dictatorship-by-stealth". Quite a few backward laws are being passed that elsewhere would get massive crowds into the streets. But in Kenya, hardly anyone seems to notice. (Here, I have faith in Willy Mutunga: there are things he can't really say as CJ, but he's been giving hints that he will be more forthcoming once off the bench.)