Yes I know the usual retort is to claim he is a military dictator. However I asked myself today how has Kaguta been able to placate every tribe and political faction in Uganda. 10 years ago on my way from Europe to Kenya I sat in the same seat with two Ugandans and one White Missionary. I had taken a few beers in Europe to act as sedatives so that I could sleep for few hours of the 8 hours flight. So after four hours of heavy snoring. I woke up and I started to chat up the three seat mates. The white lady was more concerned as to whether peace would prevail in South Sudan or if war would break out. This was before referendum allowing SS to be free. I opined that SS was going to vote for independence and anything less than that will result in war. The Ugandan man a government official agreed with me and added that the SS difference with Khartoum were terminal. So I turned to the Ugandans and asked them why Museveni has dominated them for so long and whether they were not interested with democracy. The two told me that Museveni will win until someone else within NRA shows he can keep Uganda peaceful as Museveni has done. They told me the only thing museveni needed was to keep Uganda peaceful and he will win without much campaigning.
Now looking back I have to say Museveni has allowed every faction to make a claim to the state opportunities. He has restored all old tribal kingdoms recognizing them instead of crashing them. in return the leadership of these factions have given him support. Before he extended his term five years ago Baganda kingdom was in revolt over land in Kampala and Oil. I wonder how he was able to placate Bugandans even after their NRA leadership quit the government. BTW what happened to his Lady deputy president who left UG for Havard?
Anyway I am ranting and not offering what has kept Kaguta in power. does anyone know How he has stayed in power this long and it seems he will win another term
Obbo take
Inside the mind of President Museveni