Author Topic: English as second language kid tells immigration officer he is a terrorist  (Read 1733 times)

Offline Globalcitizen12

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I just lifted this from very funny when you think the circumstances and implications. Sometimes English can be confusing and  hard to learn
Obligatory (happened a few years back when i was a kid)

After a long long flight through a few connections from Kuwait, my dad wakes me up telling me that the plane has landed and we take our things from the overhead compartment and wait for the signal that it is safe to leave the plane.

The signal is given and we start leaving the plane to enter JFK and head to the security point to stamp our passports.

Everything goes well and after a few questions that the immigration officer had asked my dad, his passport was stamped.

The officer opens my passport and looks at me with a nice smile and says "hey there... la... le... laloord. What brings you to the states?". With a big grin on my face i say "i come with dad" and he replies "and what is he here for?" and the most fucked up thing ever come out of my mouth. Having english as my second language made me go with "he is a terrorist" with the grin going from ear to ear from the excitement that am speaking english to a native speaker.

Well what i meant to say if you didn't already get it is "tourist"...

From there on, there was no more grin. We get pulled into seperate rooms and i get asked a series of questions. I kept using the word terrorist and it didn't help at all. Someone who speaks arabic was brought and asked me what i meant when i called him that and i explained in Arabic.

He then laughed and the officer in the room looked at him wierdly. When he told the officer about the misunderstanding he laughed too.

I get reunited with my father after a while and he told me not to speak English until i learned it properly.

Tl;Dr: called my dad a terrorist instead of a tourist. Got pulled by airport security thinkng we were the "Go BOOM" type.

Kid seems to have learn English well and is now a good writer