Author Topic: Slowly dismantling institutions. One by one  (Read 1888 times)

Offline Georgesoros

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Slowly dismantling institutions. One by one
« on: December 18, 2015, 01:28:25 AM »
First it was EACC
Now it's auditors general

Offline patel

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Re: Slowly dismantling institutions. One by one
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2015, 06:44:10 AM »
Stolen........Put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water.
As the temperature of the water rises, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature accordingly.
The frog keeps on adjusting with increase in temperature...
Just when the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog is not able to adjust anymore...
At that point the frog decides to jump out...
The frog tries to jump but is unable to do so, because it has lost all its strength in adjusting with the rising water temperature...
Very soon the frog dies.
What killed the frog?
Many of us would say the boiling water...
But the truth is what killed the frog was its own inability to decide when it had to jump out.
We all need to adjust with people and situations, but we need to be sure when we need to adjust and when we need to confront/face.
There are times when we need to face the situation and take the appropriate action...
If we allow people to exploit us physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, they will continue to do so...
We have to decide when to jump.
Let us jump while we still have the strength.
Think on It !!

Offline chiethakuodha

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Re: Slowly dismantling institutions. One by one
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2015, 12:02:10 PM »
At the rate we are going, we will unwittingly disband the offices from whence our powers repose.
"Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction".

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Slowly dismantling institutions. One by one
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2015, 12:40:10 PM »
Soon all these instituitions will be under the OP.
Uhuru behaves as if he and Arap Mashamba will be on that seat till kindom come.
Someone should run to the High Court and stop these crooks from dismantling the constituition.

Online RV Pundit

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Re: Slowly dismantling institutions. One by one
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2015, 01:04:04 PM »
If it uncostitutional, then our courts should overturn them.