This appears to be "necessary" for at least three reasons:
* As part of Anglo Leasing, the military overpaid (and then overpaid some more) for stuff that was outright junk. The NSIS did the same, but then went beyond that and paid big bucks for plain hot air. Then came some civilian who, insensitive to the importance of secrecy in such matters told all.
* Some civilians have been poking their noses into "secret" and "sensitive" military matters and suggesting that KDF should get out of the sugar and charcoal business and stick to fighting, protecting borders, etc.
* The USA has just announced that it will almost double what it is giving Kenya in The War on Terror. It would clearly be unhelpful to have people asking how the money gets spent; soldiers too need to eat some chicken.
Overall, an interesting approach: KDF will go to the legislature and say "we must have so much money; but, please, don't ask what we plan to do with it or what we did with the last bunch you gave us; super-sensitive, hyper-secret ..."