Do you have a link to alternative development from your american friends that we can all appreciate. AVIC are invest back in Kenya after winning big contracts like 20B Two Rivers and the GreenField in JKIA. Everyone including suppliers, workers and eventually tenant will benefit. The economy too. And the land owners.
Ain't that swell? The dozen or so families that own three quarters of Nairobi are beaming as they lure more Chinese investors who are bringing "real development" to Kenya. Am sure the Kenyattas, Kirimas, Michukis, Njenga Karumes, Gachanjas, Mois, et al, are celebrating this seminal development.
Alternative development? Well, the entire Kenyan state's institutions and regulatory frameworks are provided by us. Yes, including the one that's landed your cabinet secretary Waiguru in hot water
IFMS. Look, we've contributed pretty much
everything to advance human civilization since, say, 1900, including trying to assist you, our brothers and sisters in Kenya. And that includes that little something called entrepreneurship, which though French in word, is American in practice.
* Here's the big thing in Kenya today. Uhuru Kenyatta is arguably the most pro-American Kenyan president since your country's independence. Uhuru's inner sanctum of advisers are all American educated, trained and oriented. In Kenyan parlance these are the men and women with titles "Special Advisor" of this and that - folks that 99.9% of Kenyans never get to hear about.
Ruto, by temperament and disposition belongs to the "Rook East" alignment - read China.