There is nothing to debate about this. Already the developed world accept their moral obligation by donating AID to us and lecturing us about ABCD. They do not have to donate their money to feed or clothe us..but they do it anyway.
That is just an assumption that itself may be debated; indeed, you will find volumes written by some who claim that there are insidious motives behind the "aid". In general, it should not be necessarily assumed that the donation of money, food, clothes, or whatever---at any level--is necessarily out of a sense of moral obligation. An example is the deaths in the endless deaths in the Mediterranean Sea and other desperate forms of illegal immigration: there are those who argue that European countries should do more to help African countries. Why? So that they don't have poor Africans crowding their "nice" cities.
In any case, even if we were to accept that some have a sense of "moral obligation" in such matters, on what basis should is it to be assumed that such is without limit? As it is, you will find citizens of those rich countries increasingly complaining that their money is being "wasted".
At the root of my comments is need for African countries to end this idea that they can mess up as they like, but they will still be OK because others have a "moral obligation" to see them through.