Author Topic: Crusades, Obama and American (dis)honesty  (Read 12790 times)

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Crusades, Obama and American (dis)honesty
« on: February 13, 2015, 03:58:34 PM »
I've read one comment where the Roman church (not surprisingly) denies its role. This is similar to the manner in which where convenient they deny changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. Where necessary like for Pope JPII in Dies Domini, the facts are buried in tonnes of tradition and meaningless baggage. History is being revised as we watch helplessly.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline veritas

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Re: Crusades, Obama and American (dis)honesty
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2015, 09:03:02 AM »
This might shed better insight:


"The leaders of both sides are minions of the Jesuit General.  ( For example, previously Arafat has had EIGHT MEETINGS with Pope John Paul II since the Oslo Accord.)   Those who do not "play ball" - like Anwar Sadat of Egypt, King Fiesal of Iraq and Yitzak Rabin of Israel are eliminated through the Black Pope's unified International Intelligence Community.   That Community is directly controlled, organized and overseen by the Pope's Crusaders, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta....

1)The vested interests of the Foreign Elite (FE): There is a "third entity" in the conflict in addition to the Israelis and the Arabs: the foreigners (in order of importance, the US, Britain, China, France, Germany). Without them, there would be no Middle East conflict because it is the foreign influence that keeps the "situation" from being resolved. Unfortunately, both Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews believe they are each other's worst enemy - without considering the third element - the foreigners - that is the enemy of both. The thing that Arabs and Jews have most in common is this common enemy, yet the leaders on both sides (not being legitimate or independent) tell their people that the other side is their number one enemy. Hence the conflict continues.
 2)Control of Middle East oil: The foreigners interfere in the Arab-Israeli conflict in order to exploit and control the vast petroleum resources in the region. If there were no oil, there would be no petrodollars to recycle; the foreigners would have no reason to dominate the region.
3) Weapons sales: If there was a worldwide ban on arms sales to the Middle East, there would be no more "radical Arab dictators" with modern arms. If the foreigners stopped selling advanced weaponry to nations of the Middle East, the conflict would end.
4)The mainstream media: If the mainstream media in the West stopped reporting on the "search for peace in the Middle East," peace would soon be found. By keeping the region's  "unstable" image alive, the media, as the sole source of information by which people can formulate their perceptions, provide an excuse for the foreigners to interfere, and at the same time serve to convince everyone that these western nations want peace, despite the fact that they have been "seeking" it for over 50 years, in vain. The media never question the intentions or agendas of the FE. The media thus provide the glue which keeps the conflict going. Without the mainstream media constantly reporting on the conflict, there would be peace, as everyone would forget that the Middle East is "unstable" and thus in need of "stabilizing" via new "peace initiatives."   
5) Corrupt national leadership of both sides:  It isn't peace between Arabs and Jews that interests the FE, but rather the continuation of the conflict. The way they do that is by corrupting/controlling the national leaders of both sides. The reason why legitimate, popular leaders are not at the helms of countries in the Middle East is because the FE will topple any leader who doesn't cater to their desires before the needs of their own people. If Middle East leaders are selected and deemed popular by their own people, the FE will demonize them as "radicals/extremists," "terrorist leaders" or "enemies of peace," and thus de-legitimize them in the world arena. How can genuine co-existence take hold if the leaders of both sides are more interested in pleasing their foreign masters than their own peoples?

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Crusades, Obama and American (dis)honesty
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2015, 01:54:00 PM »
Thanks for the response Veritas. Very illuminating. :D
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline Ka-Bella

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Re: Crusades, Obama and American (dis)honesty
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2015, 12:21:56 PM »
Thanks for the response Veritas. Very illuminating. :D

He illuminating as Anti-Hubris' old posts on the all powerful evil dark West + Israel combo versus the Saintly and heroic Russia + North Korea + Islamism combo. :D