To be honest with you I wasnt a Kibaki supporter but Kibaki was loved in percentage wise if you were to compare Rutos election in 2022 and Kibakis in 2002 you will be suprised further more Kibaki out perfomed Uhuru percentage wise even all regions if you were to compare 2017 and 2007 elections.
Out of all Presidents Kibaki was the most loved .
Ruto made mistakes no need of always repeating I can even tell you were not for Gachaguas ouster . That was a mistake and if we go back removing fuel subsidies was a mistake , buying oil on credit was a mistake , going for more debt was mistake , Increasing taxes was mistake , antagonizing African nations was mistake , cozying with Raila was a mistake , fake fertilizers was mistake , interfiring with payslips through housing and Sha is a mistake ,Adani was a mistake , I mean many mistakes its hard to recover from these many mistakes .
Now its not the end of the world , Trump was out for 4 years and he came with a Bang , Ruto is out will be No 3 but 2032 he can come with a bang , when you make a mistake own and explain the rationale , people will be angry but in a few years will forgive . Ruto can come back with a bang in 2032 .
You and Pundit need to internalize it …….Ruto is out in 2027 but might come back in 2032……
Kibaki was hated after the 2006-2007 stinking economy and massive corruption never replicated in Kenya's history, but years down the road, Kenyans have forgotten. In 3-7 years, Ruto will be loved for the hard work and unpopular things he is doing now. Most of Ruto's hate usually comes from his immense success, wealth, and cartels he has shoved to the side. While the funders of Gen Z are facing financial difficulties due to the hiring of goons everywhere, Ruto is focusing on preventing mega scandals and prudently spending taxpayers' money.