Give him prime minister? Ruto has all these positions to give even ones that are not in the constitution? You kalenjins have become pathetic and laughable just like Ruto. You think breaking the law and the constitution endears him to Kenyans who are clamoring for change and good governance? Are people tone deaf or just dumb? We told you Raila is going to lose the AU seat and you said Ruto does not lose, you are now here blaming Kikuyus for the loss while you did not listen to the ground. Someone said to me the other day something that astonished, all the the biggest Ranchers in the Kenya, the types with 10K acres have either Kikuyus, Luos, Kambas etc they never hire kales cause they cannot manage shit even though they are pastoralist. While I cannot verify this information, it could be hearsay or stereotypical, Ruto is proving this stereotype every day.