The white replacement theory is what is driving whites to the right wing, this coupled with minorities who want access to whitism means that democrats are in deep trouble. The problem with democrats is cowardice, issues like immigrants should have been sorted a long time ago during the Obama presidency but they squandered it. We now have Trump who is ruling by executive orders while playing golf and immigrants are been hunted like animals. I hear a lot of grumbling but in this situations people expect blacks to go to the streets and fight. This is not going to happen anymore, blacks are tired of fighting while others reap the benefits and then take the carpet under them. I wait to see when oppressed whites take the streets after all they make the poor majority. It’s weird living under an oligarchy though where the ceiling of achievement is trying to accomplish what mediocre white man have, it lowers expectation for everyone and China is cooking the USA right now in every field. I highly doubt even the USA military can handle China.