Yes but LOCAL investment is cheap capital which is a function of savings/deposit in banks - which is function of having less dependency - and more money to save - linked to having smaller household (less than 3).
I mean short term - gok can quit borrowing from same pool - and try borrow externally - that might help with banks lending to private sector - but who can lend to GOk external in KES or cheaply - maybe IMF/WB/ADB - meaning public sector investment suffers - meaning bad roads/etc.
So in short - once you have analyze all these things.
1) FDI - ATTRACT CHEAP CAPITAL from Foreigners who can borrow from home country cheaply. Plentiful of capital in advanced countries.
2) Labour export - Go for PLENTIFUL JOBS in foreign countries.
Long term - meet the conditions for economic take off including smaller families, more working people, etc
1) Public investment - from Pensions & Insurance funds - for long term projects like SGR/Expressways
2) Private investment - from citizen deposits & saving - for onward cheap lending to enterprenuers.
The major missing link in kenya development is investment. To create employment there has to be investment, the key is addressing what's hampering investment. And here we mean local investment not the much touted FDIs. Naturally FDI is suppose to supplement local investment, you can market the country all you want but most investors look at whether local investors are investing its the biggest indicator. So long as we have low investment as percentage of GDP we wont create employment.