From Kenyatta (land theft but population was smaller)
To Moi (parastatals & destroying them)
To Kibaki (Angloleasing ghost projects 2.0)
To Uhuru/Ruto (Anglo-leasing times 10 and Eurobond scams - straight out theft cause nothing was left after Kenyatta, Moi and Kibaki) - Basically Uhuru and Ruto crushed the economy and took what little was left
To population growth and the youth bulge, but a youth bulge that came with technology (mobile phones, social media = a young population that's more aware of what's happening and not as easy to fool)
Conclusion: The June protests were just the beginning. They is a lull now, but a storm is coming and Ruto will not make it past 2027. The ground has changed. Poverty levels are the worst they've ever been thanks to 60 years of unbridled corruption.