Author Topic: Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill  (Read 1102 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill
« on: June 26, 2024, 04:56:16 PM »
Never seen him this sad.

Offline kneegrow04

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Re: Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2024, 05:51:04 PM »
Did he have to wait for folks to die before doing the right thing? He will lose the next elections if he is not careful. He's got sycophants and not real friends. Real friends would have told him Mr. President the ground is hostile, the bill is unpopular, lets drop it likes its hot.

Offline sema

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Re: Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2024, 06:23:53 PM »
Did he have to wait for folks to die before doing the right thing?

I'm waiting for more accurate death tolls, but once I saw police using AK47's against other kenyans, it was over for me with Ruto. Nothing he can say at this point, will change my mind about him and his speech was also very concerning accusing the protesters of being criminals and terrorists.

These politicians continue to underestimate the suffering, poverty and desperation of kenyans in the face of their obscene displays of STOLEN wealth.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2024, 06:48:34 PM »
Never seen him this sad.
Everyman goes through that it part of lifeneed dust up his baggage are the people we always talk about Sudi Farouk ichungwa Nyoro then ndii having bravado in a poor country the masses will arise of course no rocket science but Nordin haji need firing and NIS reconstituted they messed up mbig time trust warias for this even Duale is in hot soup Ruto need Rethink

Offline sema

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Re: Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2024, 07:01:59 PM »
Nordin haji need firing and NIS reconstituted they messed up mbig time trust warias for this even Duale is in hot soup Ruto need Rethink

How did Haji mess up? maybe they warned them, but ruto is so arrogant, he thought he could deal with it by giving yet another cookie laced speech.

The same way Boinett warned Kibaki and used to warn Moi, but they refused to listen.

No scapegoats here for either ruto or gachagua.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2024, 08:52:48 PM »
Nordin haji need firing and NIS reconstituted they messed up mbig time trust warias for this even Duale is in hot soup Ruto need Rethink

How did Haji mess up? maybe they warned them, but ruto is so arrogant, he thought he could deal with it by giving yet another cookie laced speech.

The same way Boinett warned Kibaki and used to warn Moi, but they refused to listen.

No scapegoats here for either ruto or gachagua.

Trump kind of arrogrance
I saw the police shooting at people running and they were laughing. What kind of training does one go to where they are trained to shoot to kill innocent women. They were mama mbogas being shot at for walking on the streets.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Ruto capitulate and vetoes the finance bill
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2024, 02:21:53 AM »
Never seen him this sad.

Feared but Not respected. You can be feared and respected.
Ruto has no real friends. According to took Rachel calling him and telling to call off  the bill and save lives, but it was too late.

 This ruto mentality that you can wrap your hands around each issue and fix it is his biggest down fall. Gok as a machinery is unforgiving.

By the time landed in nairobi from naivasha he had lost all the institutions that he needed to shield him from this crisis. He mismanaged this badly

Yesterday when Gachagua left Karen vp residency in early hours of protestsall hope had drained out of him. He walked like a man about to go burry his mother. Gachagua for all is uncouthness has very good instincts of the people especially the dispossessed. Having been a child of broken marriage it has given him that sixth sense ..a third eye ..that ruto has lost due to being in power for 3 decades...Gachagua is a villager and that gives him a level of intelligence that only sewer rats like sonko have

Tell ruto to go back to the source bring those old wazees to help him navigate ruling. Ruto is not AN AI or a Super computer. Unfortunately no one can defend ruto. Even his people will silently turn their backs on him and wish he disappears from they consciousness. Ruto has damaged his well curated suave image due to arrogance and narcissism

Raila opportunism made him think he had vanquished his biggest challenger and it was smooth sailing to sunset.

Ruto current war with Gachagua has cost him legitimacy