Author Topic: Why is hate such a powerful emotion  (Read 1705 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Why is hate such a powerful emotion
« on: September 30, 2023, 04:33:21 AM »
I have seen very good people that hate so much. You wonder why some religious people have such strong opinions that it drives them to hate. What I've learnt about hate is that it destroys the soul of the person hating. I've seen people hate so much that they are willing to leave those that they love. Having being raised Christian I can say sometimes there is no hate as powerful a Christian one. We as human veing are mean vicious animals. Our selfishness drives most of the hate. In Kikuyu they say Muruira kwene Dahonaga " an initiate that gets circumcised at others homestead doesn't heal" ngwacii ya mwana wene niyo ihoragia mwaki "someone's else kids sweet potato is the one puts out the fire, meaning if the fire goes our because kids are roasting potatoes the outsider kid is the one that will be blamed.

I have hated. I used to be homophobic and hated gay people until Double OO challenged my view. Then I evolved learnt and forgave..I used to hate Kalenjins during moi because of the violence visited on kikuyus by them. I've chosen to forgive them and not blame all of them.
These days when I'm critical of ruto, I want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I want to extend him the same grace I extend others like Raila...
We all need to forgive ourselves and heal our trauma so that we can all heal.

The world today is being propelled by hate. everyone is angry at someone or something. Some straight people want gay people to be suppressed, some racists want to harm others, some tribalists one to exert their dominance on others...there is this mentality of them versus us..a siege mentality..demagogues have taken hold of our hearts and minds and infected us with the hate virus..

We really need to chill...

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Why is hate such a powerful emotion
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2023, 12:58:42 AM »
A gree to an extend. Human beings are emotional creatures, and sometimes hate or love depending on their status in society. Sometimes folks really hate out of jelousy, or when things are going bad in their lives. Almost 9 out of 10, the hater is the one with issues, not the person being hated. Envy, jelousy, and such vices are soul killers. If someone has showed you who they are, there is a way to cut them in your life without carrying hate. Hating takes a lot of energy, just stop being available, and hopefully over time they will get the message. On Christians like our MAGA republicans, they hate with passion and their hate is on a nother magnitude. Trump found the group that rally that are commited on hate that they believe TRUMP is mini Jesus. Christian hate is life time; they don't forgive, forget, or are remourseful. A christian hater would leave you dying! I come from long line of conservative christians and I know this first hand. 
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Why is hate such a powerful emotion
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2023, 03:00:38 AM »
Any human being when feels threatened goes into primordial behaviors. So if you spread hate that says some people are in danger you attract their primordial behaviors. Republicans are currently using this model.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: Why is hate such a powerful emotion
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2023, 05:30:40 PM »