You mean Maribe is still in the can?
In Kwiinya nobody stays in the can if they can pay the prison authorities.
Ask Sonko who "escaped" from jail and had his criminal record completely expunged from the Kwiinya prison authority history books
Or Kamlesh wa Gold who was taken to the Kenyatta hospital VIP ward, where cakes and eggs with bacon and delicious coffee are served, due to "serious illness" the day after he was arrested for Goldenberg. The acting he did in the wheelchair was trully Hollywoodian.

A few weeks later he was a free man and the case died its natural death.
Ahmednassir Grand Mullah said it best. The Kwiinyan legal system is incorrigibly corrupt and broken.
Nobody who can afford a few hundred thousand for the jailers stays in.
Sad but true state of affairs in our beloved kaundry