Tues 9th August 2022, Election Day
The Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau (HNIB) agents are reporting that;1. The Ruaraka Land Thief called officials of his party - The United Progressive Alliance ( UPA) - last week and asked them to call a Press Conference....IT IS SO DECLASSIFIED! pic.twitter.com/mOFKTvR8pH— -Dennis Itumbi, CBS (@OleItumbi) February 9, 2023
The Hustler Nation Intelligence Bureau (HNIB) agents are reporting that;1. The Ruaraka Land Thief called officials of his party - The United Progressive Alliance ( UPA) - last week and asked them to call a Press Conference....IT IS SO DECLASSIFIED! pic.twitter.com/mOFKTvR8pH
computer genius Pundit you were already jerking off, absolutely bonkers yaani Matiangi hana aibu he can do this,bure kabisa he had even hakina Chergei,Sudi and all Kales in the box with this stunt.
Rais Ruto, finya hao. Walipe ushuru pic.twitter.com/5C3PJTF5rp— Annibal Sierra (@annibalsierra) February 8, 2023
Rais Ruto, finya hao. Walipe ushuru pic.twitter.com/5C3PJTF5rp