Author Topic: Ruto is he a benevolent dictator or a demagogue  (Read 565 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Ruto is he a benevolent dictator or a demagogue
« on: January 23, 2023, 05:15:18 AM »
I have been watching ruto keenly. he is smart, an A personality, a micro manager of his goals and a very good public speaker.

the real ruto is an exceptional talent. the biggest problem is that ruto doesn't live up to his ability. Can ruto be a benevolent dictator? no, the first sign that ruto wasn't serious in transforming kenya is by the cabinet he appointed. he appointed the weakest cabinet in the last 20 years.
secondly is that ruto has contempt of the citizens. he believes he can lie to them because they are idiots. he plays like everyone is seeking favor from him.
at the core of ruto is man who trusts others the least .this leads to him to be a serious micromanager who believes onku he can get stuff done.
to me ruto is a demagogue and a master of double speak. so to understand ruto look at his actions and pay least attention to his words
Herman Manyora analyzes ruto

Offline einstein_g

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Re: Ruto is he a benevolent dictator or a demagogue
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2023, 08:36:46 AM »
There has to be trust to achieve a lot. Kibaki had a lot of (maybe somewhat misplaced) trust. Ruto compensates with sheer hard work from himself, but maybe he could get much more done if he didn't have to micromanage. This cabinet is really underwhelming. Unless they have very smart PSes under them, I haven't checked. I don't have faith in people like Linturi, forget hopeless cases like Aisha Jumwa. I wouldn't trust many of them to come up with groundbreaking visions, especially without global precedence. I hope they surprise me.

You can tell someone like Lee Kuan Yew was very smart, just by listening to him. Indeed he got a 1st class degree from Cambridge UK. I believe that's what it takes. Charles Hornsby wrote on the cabinet:

I have been watching ruto keenly. he is smart, an A personality, a micro manager of his goals and a very good public speaker.

the real ruto is an exceptional talent. the biggest problem is that ruto doesn't live up to his ability. Can ruto be a benevolent dictator? no, the first sign that ruto wasn't serious in transforming kenya is by the cabinet he appointed. he appointed the weakest cabinet in the last 20 years.
secondly is that ruto has contempt of the citizens. he believes he can lie to them because they are idiots. he plays like everyone is seeking favor from him.
at the core of ruto is man who trusts others the least .this leads to him to be a serious micromanager who believes onku he can get stuff done.
to me ruto is a demagogue and a master of double speak. so to understand ruto look at his actions and pay least attention to his words
Herman Manyora analyzes ruto

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto is he a benevolent dictator or a demagogue
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2023, 09:21:20 AM »
The real cabinet is headed by Ndii in the presidential economic council - with Ruto at apex -with his key loyalist - Murkomen, Duales, Chirchir, Moses Kuria and Chelugui. Throw in Prof Njunguna. This brain of the administration.

Next is Rigathi - handling security and enforcement - with Kindiki & Felix Koskei. The muscle of this administration.

The rest are mainly flower girls.

The big difference btw Ruto and previous administration - is that Presidential Economic Council - Ndiis, Adan, Monica Juma,Kamau Thuge - sitting in statehouse and dictating to minister what need to get done. Then you've got Prof Njunguna in Treasury and Kindiki in security - who can hold their ground.

The rest have targets to achieve - and Ruto & Rigathi are micro-managing them.

The rest are supposed to execute - without thinking.
There has to be trust to achieve a lot. Kibaki had a lot of (maybe somewhat misplaced) trust. Ruto compensates with sheer hard work from himself, but maybe he could get much more done if he didn't have to micromanage. This cabinet is really underwhelming. Unless they have very smart PSes under them, I haven't checked. I don't have faith in people like Linturi, forget hopeless cases like Aisha Jumwa. I wouldn't trust many of them to come up with groundbreaking visions, especially without global precedence. I hope they surprise me.

You can tell someone like Lee Kuan Yew was very smart, just by listening to him. Indeed he got a 1st class degree from Cambridge UK. I believe that's what it takes. Charles Hornsby wrote on the cabinet:

I have been watching ruto keenly. he is smart, an A personality, a micro manager of his goals and a very good public speaker.

the real ruto is an exceptional talent. the biggest problem is that ruto doesn't live up to his ability. Can ruto be a benevolent dictator? no, the first sign that ruto wasn't serious in transforming kenya is by the cabinet he appointed. he appointed the weakest cabinet in the last 20 years.
secondly is that ruto has contempt of the citizens. he believes he can lie to them because they are idiots. he plays like everyone is seeking favor from him.
at the core of ruto is man who trusts others the least .this leads to him to be a serious micromanager who believes onku he can get stuff done.
to me ruto is a demagogue and a master of double speak. so to understand ruto look at his actions and pay least attention to his words
Herman Manyora analyzes ruto

Offline hk

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Re: Ruto is he a benevolent dictator or a demagogue
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2023, 04:32:18 PM »
Ndii and Thugge are no chicago boys  ala chile. It's the usual tax and spend just like previous regimes the only difference is, supposedly the spending is on the bottom.

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Ruto is he a benevolent dictator or a demagogue
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2023, 07:31:13 AM »
Ruto works hard, yes. But, there is clearly a serious lack of policy. Kibaki implemented policy left and right so the success.