Njuri, Ruto is full bloodied gusii but seriously kuria..I am of maasai ancestry.We keep our history. In kipisigis I am not aware of luo ancestry as we generally didn't intermarry or take hostage luo kids..because circumcision for us biggest deal.We are neither luos friends or enemies...we generally see luos as kids or children...harmless things.Luos generally knows if we descend on them we will finish them..that is they fear mzito Ruto.They know we are killers.Maasai are our brothers..we think maasai are as brave as we are..as honourable as we are...maasai kids were prized and sold..if not ransom.That is how we became kipsigis.Gusii like luhyas and many bantus accepted circumcision...and were able to engage,trade and etc.Otherwise we considered a man or woman uncut too bd unclean..too unclean to be touched.That is how Ruto a kuria became a kipisigis 200yrs ago then nandi