Author Topic: Capitalism Has Been Cruel to the African Male  (Read 822 times)

Offline sema

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Capitalism Has Been Cruel to the African Male
« on: December 13, 2022, 07:02:22 PM »
I've been watching some youtube channels with Kenyan men on there as panelists and I'm not sure what is happening in Kenya, but they're all beginning to echo the same stupidity and foolishness and it is that women are the reason they are not doing well (emotionally, financially and every which way). 

The whining usually takes this angle: There's been too much focus on the girl child and no focus on the boy child.  That women are trying to "compete" with them and are now behaving like men. These "modern" women are no longer like their mothers.  :D :D blah, blah, blah, blah

However, in all of these discussions, I am yet to hear their views on economics and poverty.  The biggest "enemy" of African men and Kenyan men is not women. It's capitalism. Capitalism has completely defeated the African male and totally emasculated him, but these dumb kenyans don't even have the brain power to figure out this fact.

So, now they are depending on fools like Andrew Kibe, amerix and others that are joining them on this roller coaster of whining.

Why don't Africans understand free markets and capitalism? Production, manufacturing?? You have to make things and export them (this is how countries obtain their competitive advantages) you cannot blame women when you spend all day drinking and dancing ndombolo in village bars.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Capitalism Has Been Cruel to the African Male
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2022, 07:07:13 PM »
Kenyan men are doing great.
It's not easy to turn from patriarchal society where you saw your grandfather and father abuse women
Where most women had not gone to schools, the best were teachers and nurses,
To now where women are governors, presidents, drive big cars, make money.

What you're seeing are usual resistance to change happening too fast.

Remember white dude only recently allowed women to vote, go to work and et c- and they had been civilized for years.

Islamic societies still dont allow women to even drive cars.

African male or kenyan - is making tremendous progress - as you can see gender parity is almost happening in two generations.

Most kenyan men are in conflict - wishing they could go back to their father days - while aware it just no longer possible.

Offline sema

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Re: Capitalism Has Been Cruel to the African Male
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2022, 07:13:24 PM »
Kenyan men are doing great.

I'm not sure about that with unemployment rates of 70% and such huge poverty rates, but I get your other point on the fast pace of change & their having to deal with it, but the answer is not to blame women. It's to over utilize your brain functions and work harder like the Asians (try to catch up with the rest of the world) - I honestly think Kenyans have too much free time for things like drinking, gossiping and prayers.