Yes; it will be hard to sustain the traffic; maybe twice weekly;
What would really work is an airport in Bungoma or Busia - to capture Uganda market.
Many eastern Ugandans would fly to Nairobi to there - then drive to Uganda.
Right now - you have to go to Entebbe. Endure traffic...then drive to eastern and northern Uganda.
The same for Northern Tanzania - building airport in Migori isebania..would capture many Tanzanians.
Anyway maybe county gov, NGOS and people from all way to Bungoma will use the airstrip.
Look fares will be about 8,000 - should not be so hard to fill up - a daily flight of 50 people. It's cheaper than fueling a car all the way to Nairobi.
The upgrade of the airstrip will help decongest
the Kisumu International Airport.

Anyway. Just waste of resources. Kisumu to kakamega by road takes less than 45 minutes. Let us wait to see which airline will use that airstrip. Note I do not mention airport.