Jaluos and Luhyas is extreme.
Kalenjin is middle
GEMA is just throwing away the body - pick from mortuary - to the church - small mass - family go to graveside and it's done.
Kalenjin there many rules.
If you are married - you have to have overnight stay in your house
If not -you get buried the same day you're picked from the mortuary.
So for my father - we went to morgue a day before - with relatives - then family men have to go identity the body.
They have to help dress the body in brand new things - not won before - new shoes, socks, suits
Then body is brought to table at morgue - we pray - and it's taken to car - by family members
When it get home - it has to be taken to his house - there is no stopping or resting - teke teke.
A lamp or candle are put on the whole night.
The following morning around mid-day - the body is brought to jukwaa - again lamp or candle
At least two people must guard the body all the time in Jukwaa.
We dont bury people before afternoon - the sun has to start setting.
Then mourners arrive - queue for lunch - then family takes over program - eulogy - speeches - name it
Finally the church take over - preaching and prayers.
The viewing of the body - people line up - to see the body for last time
Then fainting and crying by the weak as the body is taken to the grave
The body is lowered - family members are given first opportunity to throw soil.
Then villagers take over and cover the grave.
Family plant flowers and a small shrub to mark the grave site.
The again people return to Jukwaa for evening tea - now politicians, chiefs, any random persons - can make random speeches. They soon leave after taking enough cups of tea and laughing. A few villages remain to help with clearing things and preparing super for extended family.
Close families must spend the day after burial in the house - generally people keep night vigil - and it generally to make the family not feel lonely or abandoned.
The following day - if he is a man - the first splitting of his wealth begin.
His sword is given to first son - his bow to the last-born son - the rest can get arrows
. Family members also shave their hair.
This marks the start 40 days of mourning.
Then after 40 days - there is another ceremony - this is when roof of the house is changed - and kitchen is destroyed - to signify that family has lost their man. In old days they remove that thing on thatch roof at the top.
The rest of his wealth is then split. His clothes are given out to relatives. Also one relative is picked to become alternate head of that family - not in Luo wife inheritance - but more someone to coming and checking things.
And now he is REBORN.
He is now a ancestor eligbile to be re-born. So when I got my last born kid - I was able to "randomly" name him after my father. These are family names....not in the ID. We randomly name our ancestors - starting with those that departed recently - and if the child yawns - we say he has been re-born.
My dad I think is now re-born in many kids I bet. Those kids are generally expected to behave or act like my father - for he has been re-born in them.
Myself I am re-born of my great grandfather who died in 1930s.
I attended a funeral in Kalenjin nation and I was surprised that you guys are like luos. yaani the funeral is one elaborate ceremony of feasting, mourning, celebrating. mpaka there is viewing ya deceased and the eldest son has to sit and watch over the body. very weird rituals
now I believe you were all pharaohs watchmen huko Egypt