Author Topic: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest  (Read 4219 times)

Offline Georgesoros

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2022, 02:22:16 PM »
On land and houses, everything is speculative in Kenya. The land is expensive, but once you buy and build something, like a house for rent, you will recover costs incurred in about 20-30 years. Worthless to invest. One acre in the village is about 3m now, but don't try to cultivate or build things to generate income. You will easily spend 100 million but returns will come slowly and painfully for 20-30 years. There is no need to buy a plot in Nairobi and build it because you will spend a cool billion only to get a cool billion in returns after 30 years. Kenya's economy is not a fully free market driven by demand and supply forces; many folks are putting their thumbs on the scale.

Olicy makers allowed land to become so expensive and everyone started dividing subdividing triple dividing. Its now unproductive.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2022, 02:49:08 PM »
Meru is over populated, land subdivided to to very small kashambas, so solution is to stop land subdivisions create several Urban centers, Maua, Nkubu, Timau and free up the land for large scale  commercial farming.
Otherwise sisi hapa karibu from upande za laikapia will use you as maids and porters :)
Meru really is not over pooulated its only that most meru are densely populated around all fertile areas thus cutting down farmlands. There is vast land north and west taht can be well utilized to be productive for other economic activities,this is way forward.
Meanwhile laikipia also has a problems you rely on food from Meru and Karatina but expect Merus there anyway to come and do all lowly jobs including kuskuma wheelbarrow

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #22 on: October 13, 2022, 04:01:39 PM »
We need serious irrigation as an emergency - we cannot depend on rain forever.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2022, 04:07:30 PM »
We need serious irrigation as an emergency - we cannot depend on rain forever.
We need to forcefully transfer people in cities and towns  like china does then convert the rest of country into farmland. Add GMO food and people will survive,Ruto GMO food is first step to save us,desert countries like Namibia Botswana,arab countries rely on it uko hakuna njaa and they are all desert.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2022, 04:08:52 PM »
We need serious irrigation as an emergency - we cannot depend on rain forever.

pesa hakuna. mwizi ruto amenyakua yote

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2022, 04:22:49 PM »
MERU was the one of the country's bread basket. What happened?
Poor leadership. Why not use county funds to develop the main resource - agri
Its a long story but main theme is over reliance on agri business which initially made merus rich . most farming relied on rainfall but due to climatic condition and hard economic mismanagement last 4 years it has culminated in this dire situation,am 100% for GMO farming its the future

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #26 on: October 13, 2022, 04:36:32 PM »
You think GMO plants do not need water?

Have you ever been to Namibia or Botswana? Just because people there get food does not mean there is no njaa. Kwani you think GMO is also in those countries?

Ok transfer Pokots to Meru Town and I hope you can keep them busy.

We need ro forcefully transfer people in cities like china does then convert the rest of country into farmland. Add GMO food and people will survive,Ruto GMO food is first step to save us,desert countries like Namibia Botswana,arab countries rely on it uko hakuna njaa and they are all desert.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2022, 08:55:06 AM »
You think GMO plants do not need water?

Have you ever been to Namibia or Botswana? Just because people there get food does not mean there is no njaa. Kwani you think GMO is also in those countries?

Ok transfer Pokots to Meru Town and I hope you can keep them busy.

We need ro forcefully transfer people in cities like china does then convert the rest of country into farmland. Add GMO food and people will survive,Ruto GMO food is first step to save us,desert countries like Namibia Botswana,arab countries rely on it uko hakuna njaa and they are all desert.
Yes been to thise countries,am well travelled my friend the only countries haven't visited are west and central africa.
Namibia and Botswana are almost same dry countries with no rains but have zero hunger we experience here in Kenya. GMO Is way to go GMO foods and even animals will make hunger a thing of past,we need those broiler chickens retailing at 200 bob per kilo them and pork need to be the cheapest meats. They can easily be produced en masse like they do in Asia and Europe. Then we eat them with noodles,rice and spaghetti another cheap food which should retail at 30 bob per packet.
Of course luhyas will be against this as no ugali is there but this way to go,cheap plenty food for all,rice,noodles, spaghetti,pork and chicken with just 200 shilling a family of 5 can sleep full.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2022, 10:04:13 AM »
Exactly Njuri. There is really no good reason to go hungry in this century. We can mass produce chicken and pigs - and make those meats dirty cheap like everywhere else.The same with cereals. We need to fix land ownership, security, and irrigation of the wild north.

We need to serious intervention in maize/rice/chicken/pig mass production by giving big investors free land like Kulana - we build the dams - and give them water.

You think GMO plants do not need water?

Have you ever been to Namibia or Botswana? Just because people there get food does not mean there is no njaa. Kwani you think GMO is also in those countries?

Ok transfer Pokots to Meru Town and I hope you can keep them busy.

We need ro forcefully transfer people in cities like china does then convert the rest of country into farmland. Add GMO food and people will survive,Ruto GMO food is first step to save us,desert countries like Namibia Botswana,arab countries rely on it uko hakuna njaa and they are all desert.
Yes been to thise countries,am well travelled my friend the only countries haven't visited are west and central africa.
Namibia and Botswana are almost same dry countries with no rains but have zero hunger we experience here in Kenya. GMO Is way to go GMO foods and even animals will make hunger a thing of past,we need those broiler chickens retailing at 200 bob per kilo them and pork need to be the cheapest meats. They can easily be produced en masse like they do in Asia and Europe. Then we eat them with noodles,rice and spaghetti another cheap food which should retail at 30 bob per packet.
Of course luhyas will be against this as no ugali is there but this way to go,cheap plenty food for all,rice,noodles, spaghetti,pork and chicken with just 200 shilling a family of 5 can sleep full.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #29 on: October 16, 2022, 12:02:23 PM »
Exactly Njuri. There is really no good reason to go hungry in this century. We can mass produce chicken and pigs - and make those meats dirty cheap like everywhere else.The same with cereals. We need to fix land ownership, security, and irrigation of the wild north.

We need to serious intervention in maize/rice/chicken/pig mass production by giving big investors free land like Kulana - we build the dams - and give them water.

You think GMO plants do not need water?

Have you ever been to Namibia or Botswana? Just because people there get food does not mean there is no njaa. Kwani you think GMO is also in those countries?

Ok transfer Pokots to Meru Town and I hope you can keep them busy.

We need ro forcefully transfer people in cities like china does then convert the rest of country into farmland. Add GMO food and people will survive,Ruto GMO food is first step to save us,desert countries like Namibia Botswana,arab countries rely on it uko hakuna njaa and they are all desert.
Yes been to thise countries,am well travelled my friend the only countries haven't visited are west and central africa.
Namibia and Botswana are almost same dry countries with no rains but have zero hunger we experience here in Kenya. GMO Is way to go GMO foods and even animals will make hunger a thing of past,we need those broiler chickens retailing at 200 bob per kilo them and pork need to be the cheapest meats. They can easily be produced en masse like they do in Asia and Europe. Then we eat them with noodles,rice and spaghetti another cheap food which should retail at 30 bob per packet.
Of course luhyas will be against this as no ugali is there but this way to go,cheap plenty food for all,rice,noodles, spaghetti,pork and chicken with just 200 shilling a family of 5 can sleep full.
A packet of indomie noodles retails at just 30 bob for me to get full I eat 2 packets just 60 bob and a fried/boiled egg 15 shillings whenever am hungry and on the rush in the field, am a big guy and it gets me full, now simple maths family of 5 would require the the big pack consisting of 5 packets at 110 shillings then if they eat 5 eggs at 15 bob a egg its 75 so with 200 shillings a family shouldn't sleep hungry,even now most going hungry coz they are after unga ya ugali which 200 bob cant buy.
But now Kenyans we have a poor food culture those noodles and indomies just sit in the supermarket for ages no real man can buy them I just shake my head when I hear someone went hungry when indomie and sossi at 35 bob is in the shops and supermarket,we just know maize maize and nothing else if maize doesn't come from north rift then we starve .
Spaghetti 1 packet at 500g can easily feed a family of 5 with enough calories.
Now this is where  we need to be Mzito Ruto already has experience,chiken farming should be done in large scale those broiler chickens should retail at 200-300 shillings and pork the same,I have been in UK and Denmark and seen thow they do intensive farming for those 2 animals,pigs are kept in small cages no more 1 by 1 meter in an area like 50 by 100 plot the Kenyans love one can put up to 200 pigs in a multiple story settings,these are very cheap to produce our government should concentrate on this excess will be exported to china and elsewhere where demand is always higher
After this Kenyans wil be compelled to eat other foods,rice,pasta actually maize farming should be left on its own if its collapses well and good but instead of farmers just harvesting maize and being paid peanuts by middle men the farmers shoud be given priority to farm new crops, government give them buy back guarantee of like 5 years Kenyans then will have forgotten maize and ugali.
Main thing now is intensive farming of chicken and pork, and introduction of GMO food crops,this is what Mzito should prioritize.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2022, 12:40:35 PM »
In Asia where there is serious overpopulation,the population survives on GMO food especially in china and India without it those countries would have millions of people die from hunger,we will have to embrace GMO if we like it or not. Kadudu can have his favourite ugali from GMO maize laced with chicken flavour    :D i believe thats possible with GMO As you can flavour a crop   and so on if Luhyas refuse to diversify into other foods but in mlima there is simply no options.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2022, 01:50:39 PM »
I agree with that - we have to do both - large production supported by small holders - so Ruto need to invite the big guys in china or europe to come set up a million birds or pig farms - then set up small holder farms - for people to provide them - allow GMO - allow free imports of inputs including animals feeds.

The same with finishing beef through feedlots. A million cows die every year in drought - that is like a billion dollars down the drain.

In Asia where there is serious overpopulation,the population survives on GMO food especially in china and India without it those countries would have millions of people die from hunger,we will have to embrace GMO if we like it or not. Kadudu can have his favourite ugali from GMO maize laced with chicken flavour    :D i believe thats possible with GMO As you can flavour a crop   and so on if Luhyas refuse to diversify into other foods but in mlima there is simply no options.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2022, 02:35:41 PM »
In Asia where there is serious overpopulation,the population survives on GMO food especially in china and India without it those countries would have millions of people die from hunger,we will have to embrace GMO if we like it or not. Kadudu can have his favourite ugali from GMO maize laced with chicken flavour    :D i believe thats possible with GMO As you can flavour a crop   and so on if Luhyas refuse to diversify into other foods but in mlima there is simply no options.
Take your lies elswehere. GMO for human consumption have never seen the light of day in Asian countries. In Asia the only GMO is Cotton while gmo maize (about 30%) is all Animal feed.

Consumers have been very firm in saying NO ...

No in Japan...

Consumer Union of Japan protests against the non-regulation of genome-edited foods on 25 September 2019. Photo: Consumers Union of Japan

No in Philippines...

No in China...

No in India ....

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2022, 05:52:35 PM »
In Asia where there is serious overpopulation,the population survives on GMO food especially in china and India without it those countries would have millions of people die from hunger,we will have to embrace GMO if we like it or not. Kadudu can have his favourite ugali from GMO maize laced with chicken flavour    :D i believe thats possible with GMO As you can flavour a crop   and so on if Luhyas refuse to diversify into other foods but in mlima there is simply no options.
Take your lies elswehere. GMO for human consumption have never seen the light of day in Asian countries. In Asia the only GMO is Cotton while gmo maize (about 30%) is all Animal feed.

Consumers have been very firm in saying NO ...

No in Japan...

Consumer Union of Japan protests against the non-regulation of genome-edited foods on 25 September 2019. Photo: Consumers Union of Japan

No in Philippines...

No in China...

No in India ....

Why would I lie for something all over internet and known world over,you selected a few that oppose GMO but truth is below
Now look for something else brother because you will eat GMO food in 4 years time.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2022, 07:20:26 PM »
Why would I lie for something all over internet and known world over,you selected a few that oppose GMO but truth is below
Now look for something else brother because you will eat GMO food in 4 years time.
You certainly have a language comprehension problem if you can post a link that clearly states "GM corn and rice varieties ... never achieved commercialization, partly due to consumer opposition. Cotton is the only GM crop that is ... grown".
Why won't you respect the opinion of consumers?

Secondly you are picking on an article written by one Joseph Maina to articulate China policy. How would you feel if an outsider wrote something on Kenya posing to understand Kenya policy better than ourselves?  Poor choice of propaganda.

There was so much resistance to covid vaccine in this country. Good luck with GMOs. If you so dare, why 4 years? Why not one? You will unwittingly be inviting back teargas Mondays and this won't be child's play this time because this wont be an Azimio thing but protests across the board - .with KK taking the lead.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Meru County,the most poorest County in Kenya,once was richest
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2022, 04:25:45 PM »
Why would I lie for something all over internet and known world over,you selected a few that oppose GMO but truth is below
Now look for something else brother because you will eat GMO food in 4 years time.
You certainly have a language comprehension problem if you can post a link that clearly states "GM corn and rice varieties ... never achieved commercialization, partly due to consumer opposition. Cotton is the only GM crop that is ... grown".
Why won't you respect the opinion of consumers?

Secondly you are picking on an article written by one Joseph Maina to articulate China policy. How would you feel if an outsider wrote something on Kenya posing to understand Kenya policy better than ourselves?  Poor choice of propaganda.

There was so much resistance to covid vaccine in this country. Good luck with GMOs. If you so dare, why 4 years? Why not one? You will unwittingly be inviting back teargas Mondays and this won't be child's play this time because this wont be an Azimio thing but protests across the board - .with KK taking the lead.
Like it or not YOU WILL consume GMO food in the next 3 years straight grown form kenya,GM0 is food security gone are the days mother earth can provide for everything, as we speak, Njuri is on a tour in Europe to research this ,am always ahead,  I want to be one of the major providers of GMO so that our people never go hungry again.  keep watch! stay tuned!