Author Topic: More Amerian fast foods setting up shops  (Read 10311 times)

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: More Amerian fast foods setting up shops
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2014, 06:16:23 PM »
Let not forget that in kenya 40% of hospitalization are due to diarhoea...mostly due to basic food handling procedures, basic hygiene and name.

These are first world worries...we have far more serious problems to deal washing hands after going to the toilet.

Er, em ... actually there are hardly any toilets to go to.   Huge problem.    See the first entry at

MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: More Amerian fast foods setting up shops
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2014, 06:38:28 PM »
Yes that is big issue...which is why we have to be careful before we buy into few rich men of kenya problems like cancers, obesity (when 30% are malnourished) and really work on basics. The stats i have seen..there were 40M hospital visits last yr..40% mostly on diarrhea...most of it on basic communicable diseases...that can be eliminated by safe water and sanitation.

We have a long way to go.We might need Bill gates to go round digging pit laterines and teaching negro basic hygiene. Assuming counties cannot do the very basic like piped water in every household...50yrs later.

Er, em ... actually there are hardly any toilets to go to.   Huge problem.    See the first entry at


Offline mya88

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Re: More Amerian fast foods setting up shops
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2014, 10:12:17 PM »
I have also previously written about food. Not just the famine stuff, with starving people covered with flies showing up on TV, but even more basic things: the number of Kenyan children whose physical growth and brain-development get stunted due to inadequate nutrition is astonishing.

Proper food, decent housing and education, adequate health facilities, basic security .... these are the things I imagine are (or should be) of concern to the majority of Kenyans, many of whom face all sorts of daily struggles. But I suppose they aren't as exciting as "our man into the big chair!"

So what were we discussing ...? Ah yes ... Back to it, then. But be sure to do it where it belongs and to wash your hands afterward.

Read more:

Interesting read. By the way, What do you think about pit latrines with the recent floods that have hit several parts of the country? Is that really the way to go, given the unpredictable climate change? I cant believe something that can be achieved with simple measures such digging holes on the ground could cost so much.
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Offline MOON Ki

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Re: More Amerian fast foods setting up shops
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2014, 11:20:49 PM »

Interesting read. By the way, What do you think about pit latrines with the recent floods that have hit several parts of the country? Is that really the way to go, given the unpredictable climate change? I cant believe something that can be achieved with simple measures such digging holes on the ground could cost so much.

Interesting question, to which I don't have a "full" answer, given that I don't know the extent of the floods.   But I would consider these: (a) how frequent are the floods, and what is their effect; and (b) how frequently do people shit in "wrong" places?   An "optimization" problem, taking into account risks, costs, etc.   Looking at my home-home area (and similar rural areas), as well as numerous urban areas, I would say that people ought to be busy digging latrines or finding other alternatives. Shit right, wash your hands with clean water, and then worry about floods.   Nobody is "immune" to nature.

By the way, it is not just health; the local economies too matter.    Consider the Lake-Victoria area, for example.   Folks have been shitting right where they fish!   The locals appear not to care, but the EU does: they handed out money for the construction of toilets and latrines, but it got "eaten".  They have now said that they will no longer accept fish from those areas of Kenya if the locals continue to feed the fish with shit.    Can't say I blame them.

Yes, the real costs of not shitting right or having clean water are staggering.    A serious government would make one "lump-sum" investment in these things and make a huge difference.   Sadly, they are not as "sexy" as "laptops for all toddlers!", Konza City (probably another eating scam), etc.   

The biggest "health" problems in Kenya---see the figures by RV Pundit, for an example---can be solved relatively quickly and cheaply.   The shitting-water problem is just part of it.   When Kenya applied to get into Obama's Feed The Future programme, I took a look at some of the material GoK submitted.  I was staggered by the numbers given of children whose physical and brain developments are retarded (probably permanently) by the lack of proper nutrition.  (Yes, I know it's funny that while Washington worries about how Kenyans will eat in the future, GoK has been busy hurling insults and "heading East".)
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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