My Uasin Gishu because of Eldoret as a populous town has all the tribes like Nairobi. Most well to do Nandi families in UG village use to have a Turkana ya Kupuruta ngombe matiti/Kuchunga and Luhya for cook/shamba boy. As a boy, I remember akina Amule, wanyama, Musonye, Munika, Ewoton, Elimlim, and tens of workers that use to work for months to years doing chores. Nandis have huge tracks of land, wealth, and constantly need workers; that is why other tribes flocked UG in 60s, 70s, 80, and 90s. PEV moved some out but it still remain the most mixed county in Kenya. I think Kalenjins are almost 75% in UG and other kabilas, mainly Luhyas and Okuyus making almost 20%. Okuyus and Luhyas have their remote villages deep in Uasin Gishu small centers.