Author Topic: 'Swag' and drama as Kisumu residents welcome first ever escalators - See more at  (Read 2177 times)

Offline Olekoima

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Thrilled Kisumu shoppers have since Tuesday visited Kenyatta Avenue's new Naivas supermarket not to shop but to go up and down the escalators, the first ever in the city.

Naivas unveiled the new supermarket on Tuesday, residents from all walks of life flocking to it as soon as news of 'rolling stairs hit the streets'.

Adventurous shoppers made straight for the escalators to get a feel of them, the skeptical lot observing from a safe distance. There was drama as both the young and old slipped and fell. Some struggled to show their 'prowess' in using the escalators, relatives and friends cheering them on to the staff's utter surprise.
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