Author Topic: Some people starting to wake up to the phenomenon  (Read 628 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Some people starting to wake up to the phenomenon
« on: April 16, 2022, 06:20:02 PM »
I knew all this in 2001.I use to follow Kenya politics keenly (mostly reading newspaper back to back) and I still recall telling my Nandi friend this Nandi young man man then mere ass minster is the man to watch..Ruto had Tom Mboyasque complete talents..orator, thinking on the foot, smartness, brilliance,hardwork, charisma, name it...he was almost flawless.

Reading Gordon Opiyo

My senior brother Ambrose Otieno Weda, a man who like me was deep in Jubilee, and after the handshake became neutral, has made a very factual observation....
Azimio had stolen the thunder and was running away with this thing.
But in the past couple of weeks, Kenya Kwanza has suddenly regained lost ground... Has found its Mojo back.. and is running away with this thing....

The vicious fights between Kalonzo and Raila, and Kalonzo and the early Kamba entrants to Azimio really punctured it...
In addition, failure to bite the bullet, like UDA did, and do democratic nominations, so that even if things bite themselves, they hurt, and heal... Uki jua uli shindwa, rather than negotiated dictatorship, where you are left with a bitter taste in the mouth....

... As we enter the final 90 days, whoever is in the lead, just like the Marathon, becomes unbeatable......

As Wakili Weda says, Azimio has to wake up.....
They have to put their act together and stop public fights....
They are not facing a Joker.... They are facing someone who always looks weak from the outside, but has metal inside.....
In 1988,Joshua Kulei saw him as a CU boy from University, who cracks jokes, but never saw him as a serious threat..... And introduced him to Julia Ojiambo, who employed him kama mtu wa Mkono, he shocked her, when he worked his way into the big boys club of YK92... Whereas all the big names of YK92 messed up in life and many ended up Destitute, his extreme discipline saw him survive the temptation of big money, and instead of squandering the money on women and alcohol, he built a fortune... Reuben Chesire saw him as a Joker in 1997, and dismissed him as a small ant that he would defeat... His famous anger saw him slap Chesire inside State House something that shocked the whole country... He went ahead and thumped him in the elections... And finally, Moi admitted him to the big club.......

Ruto is not someone you approach kiholela holela... He has upstaged every big name on his path up.... He deliberately denied Raila the Presidency in 2013.... He participated in finishing of the Moi system in Rift Valley... And has stolen the majority of the Kikuyu voters from Uhuru, live live, mchana peupe.....when Uhuru is the Commander in Chief....

Guys, in Azimio, unless you change your mindset and have that fear and trembling Kenyans had in 2002, when facing Kanu, I can assure you, you will be thumped....
You can't start fighting vita ndogo ndogo like this of Kalonzo and Raila...  You should have one mind.... Let us cross the bridge first and fight later......
Let us cross the river and fight on the other side....
Because, the person you are facing is made of metal........ And doesn't play around... He bites, crashes and swallows opponents bila Huruma....

And if you play around with your big chubby cheeks full of Cerelac, his hardened Jaws will make you mince meat... Politically... And economically....

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Some people starting to wake up to the phenomenon
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2022, 06:22:09 PM »
Many of comments are gem - Ruto is playing 50-50 in Gusii & Coast & Ukambani.

Azimio should prepare for most shocking defeat that would put Charles Keter shell-shacking to shame.

Ruto at this point look likely to win 2/3 in parliament and now trending towards 60 percent of the vote.

Only one hurdle remain - PICKING THE RIGHT DPORK.

At this point - I'd go radical and pick Ndidi Nyoro. That will galvanize GEMA and rest of country will understand he is young hustler. Azimio crew will not launch the two tribes chain chain campaign - because they are also courting GEMA - and that will hurt their chance there. Raila remain in the hyena dillema - do I go Kamba or try the slippery mountain one more time.

Offline Pajero

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Re: Some people starting to wake up to the phenomenon
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2022, 08:32:42 PM »
Weda has never forgiven Raila for denying him the Seme seat,let him try win even a MCA seat before lecturing Raila on matters politics

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Some people starting to wake up to the phenomenon
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2022, 08:38:07 PM »
Now you reveal your Luo self.
Seme was old Kisumu rural.
Therefore Jadoung - you are just Jatelo - because Seme was created in 2013 when Weda was already Jubiliated.
Nyongo homeground
My late father reliable mechanic come from seme.
Weda has never forgiven Raila for denying him the Seme seat,let him try win even a MCA seat before lecturing Raila on matters politics

Offline Pajero

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Re: Some people starting to wake up to the phenomenon
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2022, 09:03:40 PM »
So me am not allowed to have geographical knowledge of Kenya unless am a luo.You are the only person with patents and rights to master all Kenya.Jinga.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Some people starting to wake up to the phenomenon
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2022, 09:17:06 PM »
Of course. You brain has no capacity to master Kenya. Accept and move on. Luo Nation is something to be proud of. Your only problem is Odinga. One day you will rise again and produce another Tom Odhiambo Mboya.

You have already produce Obama. Odingas have made Luos second class citizen by their cowardice and their buffonery. Odingas have used force, intimidations and gangs to ensure nothing grows...Luo land has become barren desert. Not even when HIV-AIDS was ravaging it - did the Odingas speak. When poverty took over. Child marriage. Name it. Luo Nyanza is now like North Eastern. It a MESS.

Ruto next and last political job is to rescue LUOS from bondage of Odingaism.

You will take 10-20yrs to elect intelligent, educated, deserving leaders. You have raw materials. 10yrs is all you need.

It very shameful...I remember growing up....we use to sing songs in primary school extoling us to read like Luos..where Otieno was engineer..odhiambo a doctor..etc.

Luo Nation deserves better.

So me am not allowed to have geographical knowledge of Kenya unless am a luo.You are the only person with patents and rights to master all Kenya.Jinga.