Author Topic: Pundito Kericho iko shida  (Read 1252 times)

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Pundito Kericho iko shida
« on: April 10, 2022, 08:21:15 PM »
Some dude called Mutai is giving Keter run for his money,how will it end.

Offline Pajero

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Re: Pundito Kericho iko shida
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2022, 08:27:50 PM »
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">UDA Kericho gubernatorial aspirant, Erick Mutai moved to tears after supporters contribute funds for his campaigns. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; (@Kenyans) <a href="?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 10, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Pundito Kericho iko shida
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2022, 08:31:05 PM »
Some dude called Mutai is giving Keter run for his money,how will it end.
In Kericho, Keter is perceived as softly anti-Ruto that is why Dr. Mutai, who has embraced Ruto fully is swimming well in the tide. In the end, I think Keter might eke out a victory as he try to maintain his independence from DP.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundito Kericho iko shida
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2022, 09:18:31 PM »
Yes there are those who says Keter under pressure to retain his CS position abandoned Ruto and sought refuge in Gideon Moi. But those who knows Charles development record - will be hesitant to hang him for some johnney come lately "Mlevi" Dr Mutai.

Anyway though I havent been in Kericho long enough - Kipsigis are very measured folks; they rarely jump into euphorias; they silently examine candidates and consensus emerges.

The way I see - Charles will win. Charles has strong support in old belgut (which are now 3 const - belgut, ainamoi & sigowet-soin) - and he has shifted his homebase to Kipkelion west. So charles start at 4 const.

Meanwhile Mutai likely to carry the day in edges - Bureti and Kipkelion East - those are two - and few Bomet(sotiek) of towns. Most of makalele is from town people - who majority are Bomet (sot) people - who hates Charles because he finished Isaac Ruto (most sot people also hate Nandis - it been tough for them because Ruto traces his ancestry to Belgut  - so they have run unsuccessfully Ruto is Nandi and we kipsigis are majority deserve to be in there - like was run against Tugen Moi.

Charles Keter is favourite for me; I saw the same Mutai kind of wave during 2016 when Kiptoiyot (Aaron) was fighting  Chaman Buch (from Bureti) over the same issues....same My Cousin/Charles favouritism...but come election day it was 35% for Chaman buch - and 65% for Kiptoiyot.

We Bureti and Konoin people are in no mans land - because we should have been in our county Bureti Ne tebes - HQ Litein - but now we are neither accepted in Kericho or Bomet. That is fate awaiting Arap Mutai. We pushed Dr Kones in Bomet lakini wapi - the Sot people refused - saying we were privileged with tea and all that. Generally Bureti people (konoin & Bureti) are thought to be privelleged and rich = because of the climate - and therefore undeserving of those seats.

Essentially Kipsigis are split  into 3=4 - Belgut (original kipisigs) - Kipkelion (maybe called Lubwa) - both of these groups are closes to Nandis - in language and culture - Bureti are in middle with some Gusii influence - the Bomet (Sot) - south Kipsigis - are half gusii half kipsigis - the language differs, mannerism, culture.

In Kericho, Keter is perceived as softly anti-Ruto that is why Dr. Mutai, who has embraced Ruto fully is swimming well in the tide. In the end, I think Keter might eke out a victory as he try to maintain his independence from DP.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundito Kericho iko shida
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2022, 09:21:53 PM »
In short knowing how measured kipsigis are and how they hate siasa ya fujo - kipsigis dont rush into waves - and consesus normally emerge the last few days - I see Charles Keter winning contrary to popular opinion - and Isaac Ruto once again getting his gonads kicked by Dr Barchok.

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Pundito Kericho iko shida
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2022, 09:52:34 PM »
Yes there are those who says Keter under pressure to retain his CS position abandoned Ruto and sought refuge in Gideon Moi. But those who knows Charles development record - will be hesitant to hang him for some johnney come lately "Mlevi" Dr Mutai.

Anyway though I havent been in Kericho long enough - Kipsigis are very measured folks; they rarely jump into euphorias; they silently examine candidates and consensus emerges.

The way I see - Charles will win. Charles has strong support in old belgut (which are now 3 const - belgut, ainamoi & sigowet-soin) - and he has shifted his homebase to Kipkelion west. So charles start at 4 const.

Meanwhile Mutai likely to carry the day in edges - Bureti and Kipkelion East - those are two - and few Bomet(sotiek) of towns. Most of makalele is from town people - who majority are Bomet (sot) people.

Charles Keter is favourite for me; I saw the same Mutai kind of wave during 2016 when Kiptoiyot (Aaron) was fighting  Chaman Buch (from Bureti) over the same issues....same My Cousin/Charles favouritism...but come election day it was 35% for Chaman buch - and 65% for Kiptoiyot.

We Bureti and Konoin people are in no mans land - because we should have been in our county Bureti Ne tebes - HQ Litein - but now we are neither accepted in Kericho or Bomet. That is fate awaiting Arap Mutai. We pushed Dr Kones in Bomet lakini wapi - the Sot people refused - saying we were privileged with tea and all that. Generally Bureti people (konoin & Bureti) are thought to be privelleged and rich = because of the climate - and therefore undeserving of those seats.

Essentially Kipsigis are split  into 3=4 - Belgut (original kipisigs) - Kipkelion (maybe called Lubwa) - both of these groups are closes to Nandis - in language and culture - Bureti are in middle with some Gusii influence - the Bomet (Sot) - south Kipsigis - are half gusii half kipsigis - the language differs, mannerism, culture.

In Kericho, Keter is perceived as softly anti-Ruto that is why Dr. Mutai, who has embraced Ruto fully is swimming well in the tide. In the end, I think Keter might eke out a victory as he try to maintain his independence from DP.
It is great to know this history, RV. Thanks for your in-depth knowledge of Kenyan tribes, subtribes, clans, and subclans.Those outside, especially us in UG and Nandi just think Kericho and Bomet are same Kipsigis people. My father was from Kiptere, which I think is Kericho, but had abagusii relatives from the past, and most were in Bureti deep in the villages. It now makes sense! Kalenjin politics is not as divisive because clans/culture are not so much in the picture. Development and past relationship with the kingpin(Ruto) seem can make or break you. I see Keter in Nandi was struggling because of being seen as anti Kingpin, same as Kutuny in Cherangany. They have made 360 and now are the most pro DP, hence chance of winning. Buzeki in UG has been campaigning for 5 year straight but cannot come close to winning because of not embracing Ruto. In Charles Keter's case,  I think his past record as MP and a national outlook will propel him to victory, not necessarily distancing himself from DP. I think voters are smart and understands Keter had to do what he did to keep the CS post. If Dr Mutai dislodges him, it will be because of young smart hatupangwingwi electorate sweeping the nation. Let democracy win and DP maintain his honor. As soon as DP try to put his thumbs on the scale, Kalenjins will reject him immediately. DP can easily settle score with his past enemies like Alfred Keter et Al but he lets people decide, which puts him way up there, unlike JaCon!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Pundito Kericho iko shida
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2022, 10:26:32 PM »
Yes the good think WSR will not interfere - unlike Raila - and Moi. Raila is 10 times worse than Moi. ODM nomination and primaries are surreal - North Koreaish - not even pretence of democracy - I really pity Luos.

The RV people will decide on thursday - and Ruto will work with whoever emerges - and try find jobs for his friends elsewhere. That is why people are going into UDA nomination in RV with 100% confidence - because they know BIDII yako ndio itaamua.

As regard Alfred Keter - I dont see how he can be beaten. The man is like WSR - hard-nosed grassroot mobilizer. He also start with solid Kipsigis vote from lower Tinderet. He only need a few Nandi votes and he wins.  Nandi tried to split kipsigis into Tinderet and Nandi Hills to reduce their influence - but I think majority are in Tinderet - and they silently back Alfred Keter.

What helps Alfred Keter - Kispigis in Meiteti and near Chemelil - and because he is brought up in Olesos - his father a well known - doctor - Jimmy - who circumscized boys - and he himself hides his kipsigis ancestry in Nandi - and speak like a full bloodied nandi - but when he comes to Kericho he speaks fluent Kipsigis.

Alfred Keter father ancestral home is kipchimchim near kericho town - while WSR is Kapsoit -kiptere - they are neigberhours - but Keter Alfred is a rogue - cannot be listen to anybody. That dude was expelled in Kapsabet boys - and Egerton - he is a rebel without a cause.

He learnt from David Langat who struggled against Kosgey (though Kosgey himself has some kipisigs ancestry) - DL - problem he cannot speak fluent Ki-Nandi. WSR also buried any kipsigis roots early enough to beat propaganda from Nand

So Alfred Keter will remain that torn - like my bro who is unapologetic Railaist - we just got used to him :) . His biggest competitor - the young boy --just died... so cant be beaten - he get half the vote from his homebase of Olessos - and carry the kipsigis in lower Tinderet.

It is great to know this history, RV. Thanks for your in-depth knowledge of Kenyan tribes, subtribes, clans, and subclans.Those outside, especially us in UG and Nandi just think Kericho and Bomet are same Kipsigis people. My father was from Kiptere, which I think is Kericho, but had abagusii relatives from the past, and most were in Bureti deep in the villages. It now makes sense! Kalenjin politics is not as divisive because clans/culture are not so much in the picture. Development and past relationship with the kingpin(Ruto) seem can make or break you. I see Keter in Nandi was struggling because of being seen as anti Kingpin, same as Kutuny in Cherangany. They have made 360 and now are the most pro DP, hence chance of winning. Buzeki in UG has been campaigning for 5 year straight but cannot come close to winning because of not embracing Ruto. In Charles Keter's case,  I think his past record as MP and a national outlook will propel him to victory, not necessarily distancing himself from DP. I think voters are smart and understands Keter had to do what he did to keep the CS post. If Dr Mutai dislodges him, it will be because of young smart hatupangwingwi electorate sweeping the nation. Let democracy win and DP maintain his honor. As soon as DP try to put his thumbs on the scale, Kalenjins will reject him immediately. DP can easily settle score with his past enemies like Alfred Keter et Al but he lets people decide, which puts him way up there, unlike JaCon!

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Pundito Kericho iko shida
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2022, 06:03:14 AM »
Totally an unnecessary sentence. @RVHH and I were immersed in learning, what RVHH is referring to as "history" from this buffoon, and their support for WSR, then somehow, bam!  the name, Raila, which is neither Nandi nor Kipsigis nor does it originate from Bomet, Bureti or Konoin inatajwa.  :o What has it got to do with this "history"? Is it that you feel as if a post without Raila - regardless of the topic - is incomplete? Yawa! And this part of WSR  "interfering", have we not see  live how for Nairobi positions of Gov, Senator and Women rep wananchi  wamepangwa?
Yes the good think WSR will not interfere - unlike Raila - and Moi. Raila is 10 times worse than Moi. ODM nomination and primaries are surreal - North Koreaish - not even pretence of democracy - I really pity Luos.

The RV people will decide on thursday - and Ruto will work with whoever emerges - and try find jobs for his friends elsewhere. That is why people are going into UDA nomination in RV with 100% confidence - because they know BIDII yako ndio itaamua.

As regard Alfred Keter - I dont see how he can be beaten. The man is like WSR - hard-nosed grassroot mobilizer. He also start with solid Kipsigis vote from lower Tinderet. He only need a few Nandi votes and he wins.  Nandi tried to split kipsigis into Tinderet and Nandi Hills to reduce their influence - but I think majority are in Tinderet - and they silently back Alfred Keter.

What helps Alfred Keter - Kispigis in Meiteti and near Chemelil - and because he is brought up in Olesos - his father a well known - doctor - Jimmy - who circumscized boys - and he himself hides his kipsigis ancestry in Nandi - and speak like a full bloodied nandi - but when he comes to Kericho he speaks fluent Kipsigis.

Alfred Keter father ancestral home is kipchimchim near kericho town - while WSR is Kapsoit -kiptere - they are neigberhours - but Keter Alfred is a rogue - cannot be listen to anybody. That dude was expelled in Kapsabet boys - and Egerton - he is a rebel without a cause.

He learnt from David Langat who struggled against Kosgey (though Kosgey himself has some kipisigs ancestry) - DL - problem he cannot speak fluent Ki-Nandi. WSR also buried any kipsigis roots early enough to beat propaganda from Nand

So Alfred Keter will remain that torn - like my bro who is unapologetic Railaist - we just got used to him :) . His biggest competitor - the young boy --just died... so cant be beaten - he get half the vote from his homebase of Olessos - and carry the kipsigis in lower Tinderet.

It is great to know this history, RV. Thanks for your in-depth knowledge of Kenyan tribes, subtribes, clans, and subclans.Those outside, especially us in UG and Nandi just think Kericho and Bomet are same Kipsigis people. My father was from Kiptere, which I think is Kericho, but had abagusii relatives from the past, and most were in Bureti deep in the villages. It now makes sense! Kalenjin politics is not as divisive because clans/culture are not so much in the picture. Development and past relationship with the kingpin(Ruto) seem can make or break you. I see Keter in Nandi was struggling because of being seen as anti Kingpin, same as Kutuny in Cherangany. They have made 360 and now are the most pro DP, hence chance of winning. Buzeki in UG has been campaigning for 5 year straight but cannot come close to winning because of not embracing Ruto. In Charles Keter's case,  I think his past record as MP and a national outlook will propel him to victory, not necessarily distancing himself from DP. I think voters are smart and understands Keter had to do what he did to keep the CS post. If Dr Mutai dislodges him, it will be because of young smart hatupangwingwi electorate sweeping the nation. Let democracy win and DP maintain his honor. As soon as DP try to put his thumbs on the scale, Kalenjins will reject him immediately. DP can easily settle score with his past enemies like Alfred Keter et Al but he lets people decide, which puts him way up there, unlike JaCon!