Author Topic: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs  (Read 3132 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2022, 10:17:12 PM »
Yes he has to be careful whilst running as blame Sudi n likes and stay away from WSR.Wsr also need to be careful not plant the seeds of his destruction...once people taste democracy they can do anything.UDA and Ruto have dropped the ball here... it's PR very end of otherwise smooth process.When you're hunting elephants don't get distracted by rabbits.Letting keter win was huge declaration of how democratic the party is...but such blunder leave a very bad taste in people mouth..they won't invest in personal quest for power

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2022, 06:22:50 AM »
Yes he has to be careful whilst running as blame Sudi n likes and stay away from WSR.Wsr also need to be careful not plant the seeds of his destruction...once people taste democracy they can do anything.UDA and Ruto have dropped the ball here... it's PR very end of otherwise smooth process.When you're hunting elephants don't get distracted by rabbits.Letting keter win was huge declaration of how democratic the party is...but such blunder leave a very bad taste in people mouth..they won't invest in personal quest for power
Your party leader is a dictator. Period! The fact that his two most notable supporters on this forum openly think that what WSR has done to Keter is a boneheaded idea, just goes to show that WSR listens to a absolutely NOBODY. Gosh that is a leader? UDA are not giving Kenyans a servant in any measure.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2022, 07:23:57 AM »
Keter MUST not fight ruto.Ruto will exit Kalenjin political scene in 10 yeara if he assumes presidency.He should campaign for ruto and becone NP again and from 2028 in ruto second term he can try to run for presidency and emerge aa nezt kalenjon leader.Anything elese doesnt make sense.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2022, 09:44:17 PM »
Keter was hired by DP enemies to fight/undermine DP from 2018-2021. Glad he is out of UDA and to tough independent. Running independent is hard because folks assume you are azimio in sheep's clothing. He will have to thread carefully criticizing UDA and DP while campaigning to win. Buzeki is on year 10 and am sure Keter is heading the same path. It looks like kina sudi/mandago wamemkonga 10 nil the same way they did buzeki. Me too, I don't like anyone that criticizes DP whether just or unjustly! Let him stay in the cold for 5 years! 
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2022, 09:53:36 PM »
Yes Keter been a broker since his days in PNU. In 2007 he was working for Kibaki 2nd wife. That first time I met him...he was running for Starehe mp..I think he got 10 votes or something like that. Now I remember next I met him with my bro after 2007 - he was engaged in Matatu fight to kick kikuyus out of Eldoret/Kapsabet brother is also involved in Matatu business. I think they succeeded largely to kalenjinize most of the routes. The next time I met him....I didnt talk to him..that was 2016..we were sitting not far from him..and he came with two other guys..I think bodyguard and PA...pale Njunguna westland and it was launch of 2016 Jubilee party. He was telling his guys that Ruto is an idiot and kikuyus will ruka him....he didnt realize we were kalenjin next table listening to Jubilee thing.

I think initially he started opposing UhuRuto in 2013 as hireling of David Langat when he missed SGR tender. DL had his chinese. Wanjigi had his chinese. Uhuru after doing simple his own chinese :).

DL & Ruto seem to have patched up their difference - Wanjigi never recovered. Next Keter was adopted by Isaac Ruto who was using county money to fight WSR ( a stupid venture). I again met in Kericho during by-election of Kiptoyoit - and he was inciting kipsigis against Ruto - Sudi was in that camp too :) - and the likes of Ngong Ngeno. Last few days Charles and WSR overturned their propaganda...Ruto declared he was kipsigis himself by blood..nandi by nurture..and Charles told the visitors from Kericho to leave kericho to decide...they got beat 10-nil.

Then he became a freelance - adopted by handshake crew.

He is a broker for hire (like most MPS) - but he knows how to get stuff done in mashinani. His only mistake is to take war to UDA or Ruto directly. He should have made it Sudi versus Keter kind of thing. If he touches WSR - then he wont make it.

Keter was hired by DP enemies to fight/undermine DP from 2018-2021. Glad he is out of UDA and to tough independent. Running independent is hard because folks assume you are azimio in sheep's clothing. He will have to thread carefully criticizing UDA and DP while campaigning to win. Buzeki is on year 10 and am sure Keter is heading the same path. It looks like kina sudi/mandago wamemkonga 10 nil the same way they did buzeki. Me too, I don't like anyone that criticizes DP whether just or unjustly! Let him stay in the cold for 5 years! 

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2022, 09:48:59 AM »
Lame and too long excuses. Keter has been denied his right. If they suspected him of being a Jubilee mole, they should have not allowed him to join UDA and participate in the primaries. It seems the likes of Sudi were so confident that they could beat him at the polls, that they forgot things on ground are very different from their fantasy world.

Yes Keter been a broker since his days in PNU. In 2007 he was working for Kibaki 2nd wife. That first time I met him...he was running for Starehe mp..I think he got 10 votes or something like that. Now I remember next I met him with my bro after 2007 - he was engaged in Matatu fight to kick kikuyus out of Eldoret/Kapsabet brother is also involved in Matatu business. I think they succeeded largely to kalenjinize most of the routes. The next time I met him....I didnt talk to him..that was 2016..we were sitting not far from him..and he came with two other guys..I think bodyguard and PA...pale Njunguna westland and it was launch of 2016 Jubilee party. He was telling his guys that Ruto is an idiot and kikuyus will ruka him....he didnt realize we were kalenjin next table listening to Jubilee thing.

I think initially he started opposing UhuRuto in 2013 as hireling of David Langat when he missed SGR tender. DL had his chinese. Wanjigi had his chinese. Uhuru after doing simple his own chinese :).

DL & Ruto seem to have patched up their difference - Wanjigi never recovered. Next Keter was adopted by Isaac Ruto who was using county money to fight WSR ( a stupid venture). I again met in Kericho during by-election of Kiptoyoit - and he was inciting kipsigis against Ruto - Sudi was in that camp too :) - and the likes of Ngong Ngeno. Last few days Charles and WSR overturned their propaganda...Ruto declared he was kipsigis himself by blood..nandi by nurture..and Charles told the visitors from Kericho to leave kericho to decide...they got beat 10-nil.

Then he became a freelance - adopted by handshake crew.

He is a broker for hire (like most MPS) - but he knows how to get stuff done in mashinani. His only mistake is to take war to UDA or Ruto directly. He should have made it Sudi versus Keter kind of thing. If he touches WSR - then he wont make it.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2022, 09:56:58 AM »
Yes he deserve the ticket. UDA dropped the ball. The people can and should override the party if they want.
Lame and too long excuses. Keter has been denied his right. If they suspected him of being a Jubilee mole, they should have not allowed him to join UDA and participate in the primaries. It seems the likes of Sudi were so confident that they could beat him at the polls, that they forgot things on ground are very different from their fantasy world.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2022, 08:11:01 PM »
It's gone to political parties tribunal; UDA could be forced to issue Keter with the ticket.

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2022, 02:46:07 AM »
Keter won nomination fair and square he should be given the ticket. Watu waache hii upuzi. I don't like the guy but if he is getting things done mashinani that's good enough. Politics is local. 2 mistakes that UDA has committed is taking away keter win (I hope it gets corrected) and dropping Ngirici ( for some reason I like that woman and her thuggish husband. Only fella that has ever offered to loan county money).

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2022, 07:25:01 AM »
Ngirici started talking to kibicho..if she had insisted on nomination then quit to independent now it would have made sense... but she quit a year to election and has run out of steam.Alfred keter is playing this right.He yesterday even apologize for his utterance

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2022, 02:49:08 PM »
Keter won nomination fair and square he should be given the ticket. Watu waache hii upuzi. I don't like the guy but if he is getting things done mashinani that's good enough. Politics is local. 2 mistakes that UDA has committed is taking away keter win (I hope it gets corrected) and dropping Ngirici ( for some reason I like that woman and her thuggish husband. Only fella that has ever offered to loan county money).
Ngirici is not a leader. She wanted a direct ticket but DP was like 'hell no'. If other contenders come to the marketplace they have a right to contest. When minji mini came she left out of her own free will. All she had to do was compete with her and there are chances she could have edged waiguru out.
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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2022, 03:22:13 PM »
It goes to the wire. Will be interesting.
I underestimated the heartbreaks visited by hasla revolution

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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2022, 09:05:27 PM »
It goes to the wire. Will be interesting.
Buzeki in our Uasin Gishu, and Isaac Ruto are running 10 years later with no end in sight. Once DP said give me UDA governor, MP, senator, Mca, Women rep, a lot of people will be swept by tide.
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Re: Nandi Hills d-day - Alfred Keter versus UDA big wigs
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2022, 09:15:49 PM »
There were million threads by Pundit how there will be no interference in UDA nomination. Now long inshas about Keter and Isaac. Many threads about Raila holding Nyanza captive. Now see where he put his RV backyard up someone's thing.
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