Author Topic: Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog  (Read 887 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog
« on: April 02, 2022, 02:35:16 PM »

He is fucking autistic savant. A incorrigible emotional idiot. This is one surprising thing I have found out about a portion of kikuyu intellectuals that believe in violence and are openly very trigger happy

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2022, 02:45:41 PM »
Ruto has made him a better person - he has now shed the sickening double standards and hypocrisy that is prevalent in civil society - where Raila and company get a free pass - while rest are codemned.

Real conservation will only happen when we are all honest - and lay our cards on the table. Now days Ndii is laying his cards on the table..and shed the hypocrisy & double standards.

Our political class are all the same folks.

In simple English - if YOU DID NOT CODEMN RUTO ATTACK IN KONDELE - Dont codemn Raila attack in Edly. Same whattsapp group.


He is fucking autistic savant. A incorrigible emotional idiot. This is one surprising thing I have found out about a portion of kikuyu intellectuals that believe in violence and are openly very trigger happy

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2022, 02:56:12 PM »
Ndii speaks his mind as a fool he is. He masks thsi as bravery.  Him and miguna are a like in some ways . He also plays whataboutism. He has some autistic tendencies. He is right now fixated on destroying kenyattas. The reason why he married to gatabakis is because he loves the power such a family brings to him. He has unfulfilled need to recognition and being powerful. This is usually an insecurity that a lot people who are born and raised in poverty have. Ruto has it too but he has a higher emotional intelligence so he has been able to  mask it. That why uhuru and ruto can't work together in the longterm because they are socially incompatible. Ndii doesn't understand how the railas of this world can use and dump him. That betrayal eats him up and opens old wounds. He is a wounded intellectual. Wounded intellectual become very toxic and destructive. They can even morph into something like Osama or kimathi. If they are totally repressed they fall apart and become a shell of former self like ngugi wa thiongo

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2022, 07:39:42 PM »
I don't care what folks say about Ndii, the man is simply what Kenya needs at the decision table. I spend about 20 minutes talking about what ails Kenya and the mother continent in DC the other day and was blown by his understanding of our problems. Evidence, data, and history are what guide him, not emotional tribal, hate, and gut instincts that tend to rile others. He is evidence-based and believes Kibaki did 20% right things that jumpstarted the economy. He believes Bottom-up and Ruto's policies will push the economy 3x Kibaki era, or even more! He believes Kenya's economy can be corrected in under 7 years as long as correct decisions are made and fully implemented. Like me, he believes that had the big four fully implemented, no one would be talking about Kibaki economics. Over 5 million Kenyans would have been hired in one way or another by 2021! Moreover, Kenya would have moved easily up economically towards SA and Naija!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2022, 08:18:52 PM »
I don't care what folks say about Ndii, the man is simply what Kenya needs at the decision table. I spend about 20 minutes talking about what ails Kenya and the mother continent in DC the other day and was blown by his understanding of our problems. Evidence, data, and history are what guide him, not emotional tribal, hate, and gut instincts that tend to rile others. He is evidence-based and believes Kibaki did 20% right things that jumpstarted the economy. He believes Bottom-up and Ruto's policies will push the economy 3x Kibaki era, or even more! He believes Kenya's economy can be corrected in under 7 years as long as correct decisions are made and fully implemented. Like me, he believes that had the big four fully implemented, no one would be talking about Kibaki economics. Over 5 million Kenyans would have been hired in one way or another by 2021! Moreover, Kenya would have moved easily up economically towards SA and Naija!
It all depends on whether the political class is willing to allow those thing Ndii talk about happen. 7 years is a long time but not a lifetime. The problem with ndii is lack of emotional intelligence. He is not ready to play the wrong game and trick politicians to do what he knows is right

Offline sema

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Re: Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2022, 08:46:37 PM »
Over 5 million Kenyans would have been hired in one way or another by 2021!

Been hired by who? What factories? Making what goods? Jobs don't come from people's mouths or fall down from heaven

My problem with Ndii is his arrogance. He is a typical academic in that respect (egotistical & thinks he is smarter than everyone else even though he's never really been tested in the real world and nor have his theories) -- Will he be able to work with Ruto? As long as he realizes who the real boss is and won't be him (he really has an over-inflated ego for a man that has never won political office)

But like everyone else and their theories, the proof will be in the pudding.  The chicago 5 professor's did it in Chile. We will see if like them, Ndii can do it in an African country. The proof will be in the pudding.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Ndii has emotional intelligence of a warthog
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2022, 09:04:39 PM »
Over 5 million Kenyans would have been hired in one way or another by 2021!

Been hired by who? What factories? Making what goods? Jobs don't come from people's mouths or fall down from heaven

My problem with Ndii is his arrogance. He is a typical academic in that respect (egotistical & thinks he is smarter than everyone else even though he's never really been tested in the real world and nor have his theories) -- Will he be able to work with Ruto? As long as he realizes who the real boss is and won't be him (he really has an over-inflated ego for a man that has never won political office)

But like everyone else and their theories, the proof will be in the pudding.  The chicago 5 professor's did it in Chile. We will see if like them, Ndii can do it in an African country. The proof will be in the pudding.

Kenya is no Chile. He won't the best he will do is get us out of the downward  spiral. All these plans to work need trillion of shillings in capital through the supply chain.

Ndii can't work in govt because as soon as things do not go his way he starts a war instead of out starting hid opponents