I actually find Maragolis to be most progressive of Luhyas.
I find Bukusus to be the most retrogressive of Luhyas.
Maragoliland is developed. They behave almost like Gusii and GEMA - they make their little plots really count.
I think they purest of Bantus in Luhya stock.
Bukusuland is just BUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! with one lonely stone age cow and many WIVES.
Bukusu seem to be a confused mixture of nilotes and bantus...that didnt quite jell like in Busia.
The Busias are Luos or Siaya Luos are Luhyas - either way there is way too much inter-mixture for siaya and busia to be almost same tribe or culture.
Kakamega is pure mixture of everything.