Author Topic: From 225 lbs to 198 lbs  (Read 697 times)

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From 225 lbs to 198 lbs
« on: December 13, 2021, 06:48:36 PM »
in 5 months and still counting downwards.  I have definitively quit to 200+ lbs league.  Masters swimming workouts seems to have done it for me.

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Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: From 225 lbs to 198 lbs
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2021, 10:03:28 PM »
Congratulations. I am now defeated at 180 pounds. I need to go to 170.

Online RV Pundit

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Re: From 225 lbs to 198 lbs
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2021, 10:28:56 PM »
I magically reduced 10kgs from similar 100 to 90kgs by coming to kenya for 3 months...the diarhoea you get in Kenya is the trick :)

In Kenya I had maintained 85kgs forever - and then I migrated abroad - added 15kgs - now I was 100kgs.

You need diarhoea therapy that Kenya will give you :)

Abroad it's very very hard to lose weight - because of the food - and lack of microbes to induce diarhoea :)

In Kenya you will get a running stomach almost every 3 days....

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Re: From 225 lbs to 198 lbs
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2021, 07:36:48 AM »
I gained 10Kgs from 2013 and I have maintained 85Kgs. zero workouts.

no dieting whatsoever

My secret is taking two or one meals a day.

not a strategy but a carryover from hustling days I survived on a a bad meal a day.  Last time I had three meals in a single day was December 31,2019
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