Author Topic: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK  (Read 8353 times)

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #60 on: December 07, 2021, 11:40:45 PM »
ou cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

We will see if Ruto becomes the first president in Kenya to rise above tribal politics in terms of his governance. That remains an open question.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #61 on: December 08, 2021, 12:21:13 AM »
Do you see kalenjin 10 subtribe complaining apart from pokot - whom Ruto has been strict on. Luhyas cannot even agree in Vihiga. Before Ruto became anything he had to unite his people. How does he do that. He had to rise beyond family, clan, subtribe, tribe and secretarian issues. He had to fairly treat all the 10 kalejin tribes. Then move to pastoralist. Then slowly move...until kenya wide issues.

If 10 kalenjin subtribes are not complaining about Ruto leadership - then know his leadership is legit. Ruto has no time for small mindness. He treats people equally. He is democratic. He let people have their say.Given a chance he works hard and deliver.

Amongst kalenjin many have tried to take advantage of sub tribe fault line including now gideon moi but Ruto is always the clean deal guy...and wins over.

The same way he has kenya on his throes...because he treat people fairly..without any discrimination....and also without bending over to bullies. He is principled like Moi and will die with a position.

Come UDA nomination - prepare for shock results and for Ruto to put down his foot...if raiai reject can as well run to raila 10 wont matter.

That is why in RV nearly everyone will join UDA because they know nomination will be free and fair.

Ruto fallout with GEMA leaders stem from Jubilee nomination.

Many sitting mps and governors in 2017 thought Ruto would influence the results on their favour. SHOCK ON THEM. Ruto spend 3 nights and 3 days making sure elections were held...the rest shauri YAKO.

In kalenjin land likes of Kuttuny and Alfred Keter won....if you were in Jubilee and had your A game on...Ruto will NEVER interfere with popular mandate...for he know that is directly messing himself. He will help you get other jobs or contracts...but will never risk the citizen wrath.

Raila interferes..and now even Idah meddles..and ODM nomination are total chaos.

If you are strong join UDA - if youre weak do not expect miracles - many will be defecting soon for the 4th time :) :) - UDA nomination will reflect IEBC election - a bloodbath where 80 percent of current leaderhsip even if they shout UDA WILL NOT MAKE IT. Ruto will GO MIA ON THEM. They will defect to Raila and cause tantrums but the people will know elections were free and fair.

ou cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

We will see if Ruto becomes the first president in Kenya to rise above tribal politics in terms of his governance. That remains an open question.

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #62 on: December 08, 2021, 01:19:50 AM »
Do you see kalenjin 10 subtribe complaining apart from pokot - whom Ruto has been strict on. Luhyas cannot even agree in Vihiga. Before Ruto became anything he had to unite his people. How does he do that. He had to rise beyond family, clan, subtribe, tribe and secretarian issues. He had to fairly treat all the 10 kalejin tribes. Then move to pastoralist. Then slowly move...until kenya wide issues.

If 10 kalenjin subtribes are not complaining about Ruto leadership - then know his leadership is legit. Ruto has no time for small mindness. He treats people equally. He is democratic. He let people have their say.Given a chance he works hard and deliver.

Amongst kalenjin many have tried to take advantage of sub tribe fault line including now gideon moi but Ruto is always the clean deal guy...and wins over.

The same way he has kenya on his throes...because he treat people fairly..without any discrimination....and also without bending over to bullies. He is principled like Moi and will die with a position.

Come UDA nomination - prepare for shock results and for Ruto to put down his foot...if raiai reject can as well run to raila 10 wont matter.

That is why in RV nearly everyone will join UDA because they know nomination will be free and fair.

Ruto fallout with GEMA leaders stem from Jubilee nomination.

Many sitting mps and governors in 2017 thought Ruto would influence the results on their favour. SHOCK ON THEM. Ruto spend 3 nights and 3 days making sure elections were held...the rest shauri YAKO.

In kalenjin land likes of Kuttuny and Alfred Keter won....if you were in Jubilee and had your A game on...Ruto will NEVER interfere with popular mandate...for he know that is directly messing himself. He will help you get other jobs or contracts...but will never risk the citizen wrath.

Raila interferes..and now even Idah meddles..and ODM nomination are total chaos.

If you are strong join UDA - if youre weak do not expect miracles - many will be defecting soon for the 4th time :) :) - UDA nomination will reflect IEBC election - a bloodbath where 80 percent of current leaderhsip even if they shout UDA WILL NOT MAKE IT. Ruto will GO MIA ON THEM. They will defect to Raila and cause tantrums but the people will know elections were free and fair.

ou cannot teach an old dog new tricks.

We will see if Ruto becomes the first president in Kenya to rise above tribal politics in terms of his governance. That remains an open question.
Pundit, you have captured Ruto's fairness in detail, starting from Kalenjin tribes all the way down and up. Ruto hates unfairness, pettiness, and lazy folk.  He respects the masses and what they have to say; that is why you cannot go to him to rig out. I remember his cousin running for MP in the soy constituency, and DP was MIA. He told the guy to duke it out with others without invoking the legendary Samoei name to keep the game fair. In the end, his cousin came third. I remember Bubu giving his cousin (RIP- Jakoyo) and other close friends and family members direct ODM tickets on the other aisle. Two different people!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #63 on: December 08, 2021, 09:00:36 AM »
Fantasy world. You forget you told us high priest spending day and night ensuring cronies get nominated in Jubilated party now it was fairness blah deblah. How did daughter get ambassador post? How did corruption become fairness and "principled like MOi?"
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #64 on: December 08, 2021, 09:10:47 AM »
Ruto will assist his allies by giving them money to campaign - attending their events - and such - but come nomination it's everyone for himself. Yes Ruto is principled unlike Kalonzo or Raila. He takes a stand and "dies" with it - even if unpopular like BBI or No constitution of 2010.
Fantasy world. You forget you told us high priest spending day and night ensuring cronies get nominated in Jubilated party now it was fairness blah deblah. How did daughter get ambassador post? How did corruption become fairness and "principled like MOi?"

Offline vooke

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #65 on: December 08, 2021, 05:51:02 PM »
Matusi ya nini pastor?

Ruto is 10 times stronger than Rigathi.

Rigathi therefore will be subservient to Ruto.

Rigathi is a performer no doubt - but he still need to learn politics - he is still a rough diamond - he lacks soft skills(Matiangi) and Ruto will help him develop.

If he brings nyonyoko - Ruto crashes him.

If Ruto has been a tough cookie with Uhuru as DPORK - just imagine how powerful he will be as PORK.

PORK gives you the base power - how you use or project it is upto you. DPORK is nothing.

Silly boy

This is not about performance but fierce independence which means possible fall out barely into the term. A DPORK must be subservient as they can't be fired

99% of Ruto's toughness is Katiba. Can't sack him. Had he been sacked say right after handshake he would have struggled assaulting the mountain. RV Worriers would have been bribed by a weaker Kale substitute.

Try to imagine Ruto completely out of office back in 2018.

Rigathi has already stolen so I doubt he'd lose sleep when coffers are shut on him.

Yes, Ruto is ten times badass but a fallout early in his term would be disastrous. That's why a strong running mate is a two edged sword. you need a good mobilizer but once in power you must cut them to size. Mutai Ngui would remind you of Machiavelli's theories of killing king makers
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #66 on: December 08, 2021, 08:24:14 PM »
You write shocking things pastor.Ruto I have studied him the longest here apart from rvhh.Ruto took on kibaki as mere KANU mp and despite attempt to jail him he wasn't cowed.He teamed up with Raila to form odm..and was chief campaigner n financier of odm.Before 2013..Ruto was mere mp facing icc charges..aftee being long fired....yet he run rings around Raila a prime minister with half the gov.Ruto last few years is Dpork just in name... political there is nothing he gets from the office..but he runs his things like a boss...and has enough money to maintain political support and even do crazy fundraising.Rutp strength is no's his brain, his money, and his energy.Ruto is matching Uhuru n his gov because he has billions to finance his activities..he has smooth mouth and knows how to spin propaganda..and he does it with such hard to match

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #67 on: December 08, 2021, 08:28:48 PM »
To reduce Ruto innate strength just find a way to cripple him financially.That only thing you can play with..find a way to dry his bottomless pockets and is fundraising talents...Ruto knows how to raise money from all over to finance his activities..and he learnt from moi that politics is expensive and without money you can as well go can only compete with Ruto if you are willing to spend billions..maybe on bad day he knows spend 20m a rvhh say he probably has all pastors on some mpesa list for sadaka every Sunday

Offline sema

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #68 on: December 08, 2021, 08:54:10 PM »
I judge all African presidents by one standard and in the 60 years of independence, no African president has managed to succeed and what is success? These African countries have to become richer and more specifically, the per capita income of their citizens needs to dramatically improve. 

This will be my only judgement of Ruto -- if the economy and wealth index doesn't improve and if the average per capita income of the average kenyan doesn't improve then in my book, he will be like all other African presidents.  A failure.

Can he do it in 10 years? I doubt it.  To fundamentally change a countries economy you need 30 to 40 years.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #69 on: December 08, 2021, 09:03:38 PM »
I judge all African presidents by one standard and in the 60 years of independence, no African president has managed to succeed and what is success? These African countries have to become richer and more specifically, the per capita income of their citizens needs to dramatically improve. 

This will be my only judgement of Ruto -- if the economy and wealth index doesn't improve and if the average per capita income of the average kenyan doesn't improve then in my book, he will be like all other African presidents.  A failure.

Can he do it in 10 years? I doubt it.  To fundamentally change a countries economy you need 30 to 40 years.
Meles zenawi,Museveni and Kagame are some of leaders with Ruto kind of complete talents..kibaki brain but with the energy of moi is what you need to transform a country.You cannot just stay in statehouse like cabbage jomo or kibaki or now the drunkard Uhuru.Ruto in the ministery and in jubilee first term has shown great promise.He is brilliant and he has the energy to get stuff done.If he picks rigathi, ndidi Nyoro, ichungwa and such kind of his key men he will transform the country in a bottom up revolution.Great leaders in Kenya include nyachae and michuki..who pick gov plans and get it done.You cannot just sit there and expect matatu chaos to go away

Offline yulemsee

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #70 on: December 08, 2021, 09:04:09 PM »
Have pokots always been this independent minded, wakati wa Moi kulikuwa aje?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #71 on: December 08, 2021, 09:10:45 PM »
Have pokots always been this independent minded, wakati wa Moi kulikuwa aje?
Moi had lotodo and phoghisio arrested and run military expedition against pokots almost annually and armed tugens to defend themselves.He left marakwet to be whipped mercilessly by pokots until they became farmers and stoppedbkeeping cattle..Turkana and Samburu run to urban centers.Pokots that I spoken to feel misunderstood and wedged by all enemies.They don't see themselves as the aggressors which is crazy.

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #72 on: December 09, 2021, 07:14:33 AM »
I judge all African presidents by one standard and in the 60 years of independence, no African president has managed to succeed and what is success? These African countries have to become richer and more specifically, the per capita income of their citizens needs to dramatically improve. 

This will be my only judgement of Ruto -- if the economy and wealth index doesn't improve and if the average per capita income of the average kenyan doesn't improve then in my book, he will be like all other African presidents.  A failure.

Can he do it in 10 years? I doubt it.  To fundamentally change a countries economy you need 30 to 40 years.
With Ruto's integrity, stealth performance, and hardwork, Kenya can be transformed in 7-9 years. If bubu unfortunately win, Kenya will go down. Having a 77 year old senile President with poor crew around him is a recipe for disaster.
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #73 on: December 10, 2021, 02:36:56 PM »
Has Ruto already won the election or did I miss something? Suchan analysis can only be made once Ruto is declared president elect. Anything else is dreaming. Let us wait and see what the next 9 months bring us. Concluding Ruto is already president is a big joke.

I judge all African presidents by one standard and in the 60 years of independence, no African president has managed to succeed and what is success? These African countries have to become richer and more specifically, the per capita income of their citizens needs to dramatically improve. 

This will be my only judgement of Ruto -- if the economy and wealth index doesn't improve and if the average per capita income of the average kenyan doesn't improve then in my book, he will be like all other African presidents.  A failure.

Can he do it in 10 years? I doubt it.  To fundamentally change a countries economy you need 30 to 40 years.

Offline sema

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #74 on: December 10, 2021, 07:23:34 PM »
Lets look at the per capita incomes of these African countries as you praise their leaders:

Kagame/Rwanda - $800 dollars a year

Museveni/Uganda - $800 dollars a year

Ethiopia/even under Meles - What? a little of $1,000 dollars?

Kagame and Museveni have both been in power for over 20 years and this is the best they can do? Total failure in my book.  Africa has very deep problems if all they can do is earn $800 dollars a year.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #75 on: December 10, 2021, 10:00:58 PM »
You need to look back...they found 200 dollar GDP per Capita and most of these countries achieved 7 to 10 percent annually on economic front for three decades leave alone in restoring peace and order in somalia like situation in countries that had completely broken down...then restored the economy and invited foreign investment.

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #76 on: December 11, 2021, 06:40:47 AM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Rigathi look likely the next DPORK
« Reply #77 on: December 11, 2021, 08:21:39 AM »
I recommend you read this book. You will understand how our ethnic politics work. Kenyatta was hero until he become villain. The moment GEMA community perceived he was looking out for personal rather than communal interest he became a villain. When he was defending Mt Kenya during PEV and with ICC - then nailed peace deal with Ruto - he was furthering community interest - he became a muthamaki - when he starts a reckless MAD war with Ruto and Kalenjin nation - for what appears to be personal animus - putting at risk a million of fellow Kikuyus life and properties - then he become an object of hate. An average kikuyu on the streets know what betraying Ruto would mean - not only now but long term stability of their existence in RV. I had a girlfriend from Molo last year and she was telling me Uhuru was so hated people dont want to even hear his name. When he pushes a fake narrative that handshake was urgent and there was breach of peace - people are not convinced - for they had all but vanguished Jakom - he had few stones thrown - and was kaput. When he tries to sell a old narrative that Luo/Raila alliance secures Mt kenya interest compared to Ruto/Kalenjin - then people can truly see that man is either insane, drunk or out for personal deals.

Now the rest are propaganda - around it. The hustler/dynasties is because the uhurus/railas/gideon/madvds and their lackeys - are against chicken seller Ruto - the more the merge against him - the more hustlers or normal people see it as class war. The propaganda that Ruto is a thief of course doesnt fly because everyone knows biggest thieves in Kenya start with Jomo Kenyatta then Daniel Moi...both who are extremely wealthy....not from enterprises but from stealing from public both for combined 50yrs.