It's a disorder of some kind.
1. Bitange Ndemo set about building an IT city. I did wonder whether he is building a machine that would transform people who came near Konza into ITC geniuses. He ate money, was arrested but as you know with Kenya courts, he walked away Scott free. No IT city as we knew from the beginning.
2. Mudavadi decides to add to his Goldenberg & Anglo Leasing egg nest. So he embarks on the construction of "markets" around the country. Totally ugly crap. The first phase sees open and mabati edifices. The second phase he puts up huge structures. Often in the middle of a market town taking all the air and space. For both traders avoid them like the plague. They complain that the structures ruined their businesses
Promotion of ITC would've gone through schools. Use the money dumped in Konza to incentivize youth. Help them take patents and develop apps etc. Reward them with contracts and help them market. Would be slow but it would hit gold when big companies would sign contracts. Already Kenyans were taking business from India operating call centers. Thanks in part to tolerable English language skills
A market. It is not a building. It is when the buyer meets the seller. I used to enjoy visiting those markets in Bomet and in Nandi especially Chepterit & Kabiyet. In Kabiyet I saw the Father of All bulls that went for a clean 2m. Never seen such a bidding war people on phones. There was a minister from Nyeri who bid but lost. Was told they didn't want it for slaughter but for breeding. The creature was tall huge and easily dwarfed other bulls, humiliating them with dominance climbing on them.
The clothes markets, the food area, the utensils, shoes etc wares placed on the ground and you walk through talking to people and being flattered to buy.
Mudavadi destroyed all that arguing that he was protecting them from the rain! The rain in Kericho, Bomet and Kisii is legendary. But that's what makes such markets sexy. The people didnt ask for "markets" they already had markets. More prosperous traders traveled from one to another. They were on different days. They don't need rooms to store stuff and pay expensively!
So it is a curse on the political leadership. Their motive is cash. So they build
How can gov support cottage industries? I see Kibaki industrial things all over country are now house for donkey to sleep. The markets are even better.