Raila meant to please Mt Kenya but in the process hurt North Eastern. Thats the problem of Raila he thinks we are still in 90s or 2000s where you could say something and come later and say you were misquouted. Its the era os social media and videos . Whatever you say is transmitted like fire in a forest and still there is evidence saved to refer too.
Its akin to doing porn im this age im comparison to 80s and 90s where people would recognize the double world you live in.
Internet never forgets.
Raila unlike his father is not gifted in talking and words to avoid blundering he should stick to rehearsed statements. He does well when he is reciting vitendawili and misemo. When he tries to freestyle he says somethings even as a competitor one feels sorry for him.
I think he has realized he is about to lose about 15 counties...while gaining nothing from Mt kenya