Author Topic: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner  (Read 4024 times)

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2021, 05:36:08 PM »

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.
:) the only thing that shines through is your sour grapes after Uhuru scorned your clay idol. Uhuru has ignored 2 orders to swear in the judges - there is no way to coerce him. I see more Tangatanga desperados line up in court wanting Koome not to assign the 34 judges new duties - which is nonsense after the court refused to stop the swearing.

Pundit if you could set aside your partisanship - bagging the 34 birds at hand IS the right thing to do. Why should Mumbi pay for Odunga arrogance - by rejecting a promotion? Your real fear of course is not any judicial independence - but that Ruto is being shafted live-live. What else did you expect :) - Uhuru rigged in Koome - expect her to ignore Havi and Miguna insults & empty threats - as the 34 judges take new jobs bila wasi wasi.

And oh, the judges are not stupid. They can tell from the insults and threats that Tangatanga and their NGO buddies are worse bullies than Uhuru. Judges should be independent from all parties not just the executive.

Your LOW IQ shines through.
There are things we call PRINCIPLES. Or Rules. You break them - and you set a bad precedent - and create new rules.
Maraga told Uhuru - it was all or none.
For he knew - the moment he allowed Uhuru to cherrypick - who to appoint or not - he would have basically taken over the role of JSC and independence.
Next time - and next president - will continue with this tradition - of choosing to appoint who they want - when they want.
JSC would effectively have been clipped. The constitution discarded.
Martha Koome obviously has a good heart (from her reformist women issues) but her LOW IQ is showing (she got a pass in UON for some reason).

These kind of things - remind me of Mumbi Ngugi - stupid rulling that governors who enjoy security of tenure- should step aside when a DPP charges them!

It the biggest assault on devolution. Governors who are supposed to head a level of government - are now walking on eggs - as compromised police and DPP can kick them out of office ANYDAY - they just need trumped charges.

You're happy now - but when Ruto or Raila - who are better politicians - comes - and use this NEW DONATED power by KOOME and Mumbi power - even better deploy this - you'll cry like Moi.

Ask FairandBalanced - and KenyaPlato - they are still crying - because Moi crushed them in 90s - send them to go wash old men in the US and other degrading jobs.

Moi is dead but their hate continues.

LOW IQ people don't CONSIDER ALL ANGLES - they are tunnel-visioned.

Look at Raila for example - he get conned so many times - because he is a fool. He doesn't consider all scenarios. NAIVETY.


She thinks she is very smart for getting 34 out of 40 judges :) ; that is how a fool reason.

Now 34 judges will dispense justice. THERE IS NO JUSTICE WITHOUT RULE OF LAW. You break the rules - everything else is useless.

It either all or none.

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2021, 05:45:43 PM »
Most people living in fledgling democracies like Kenya are so used to abuse of power by the executive branch and find it very difficult to even contemplate the fact that the judiciary can equally abuse its powers requiring the need to be checked by the other two branches. Imagine if Ouru had obeyed the bone head order by Maraga to dissolve the parliament.  Ouru has again protected the constitution and the powers of the executive branch not to be a rubber stamp of the JSC in the appointment of Judges.  It would have set a horrible precedent HAD Ouru had succumbed to the arrogant erosion of presidential powers to appoint judges by making it a rubber stamp of the JSC.  The parliament can now codify Ouru's decision by passing an enabling law that would allow the president to pick from the recommended list from the JSC.  This is the only way to tame a rogue court which somehow believe the constitution belongs to the lawyers.  Every Kenyan public official takes the oath to protect the constitution against both domestic and foreign enemies and they are not required to be lawyers to do that.

:) the only thing that shines through is your sour grapes after Uhuru scorned your clay idol. Uhuru has ignored 2 orders to swear in the judges - there is no way to coerce him. I see more Tangatanga desperados line up in court wanting Koome not to assign the 34 judges new duties - which is nonsense after the court refused to stop the swearing.

Pundit if you could set aside your partisanship - bagging the 34 birds at hand IS the right thing to do. Why should Mumbi pay for Odunga arrogance - by rejecting a promotion? Your real fear of course is not any judicial independence - but that Ruto is being shafted live-live. What else did you expect :) - Uhuru rigged in Koome - expect her to ignore Havi and Miguna insults & empty threats - as the 34 judges take new jobs bila wasi wasi.

And oh, the judges are not stupid. They can tell from the insults and threats that Tangatanga and their NGO buddies are worse bullies than Uhuru. Judges should be independent from all parties not just the executive.

Your LOW IQ shines through.
There are things we call PRINCIPLES. Or Rules. You break them - and you set a bad precedent - and create new rules.
Maraga told Uhuru - it was all or none.
For he knew - the moment he allowed Uhuru to cherrypick - who to appoint or not - he would have basically taken over the role of JSC and independence.
Next time - and next president - will continue with this tradition - of choosing to appoint who they want - when they want.
JSC would effectively have been clipped. The constitution discarded.
Martha Koome obviously has a good heart (from her reformist women issues) but her LOW IQ is showing (she got a pass in UON for some reason).

These kind of things - remind me of Mumbi Ngugi - stupid rulling that governors who enjoy security of tenure- should step aside when a DPP charges them!

It the biggest assault on devolution. Governors who are supposed to head a level of government - are now walking on eggs - as compromised police and DPP can kick them out of office ANYDAY - they just need trumped charges.

You're happy now - but when Ruto or Raila - who are better politicians - comes - and use this NEW DONATED power by KOOME and Mumbi power - even better deploy this - you'll cry like Moi.

Ask FairandBalanced - and KenyaPlato - they are still crying - because Moi crushed them in 90s - send them to go wash old men in the US and other degrading jobs.

Moi is dead but their hate continues.

LOW IQ people don't CONSIDER ALL ANGLES - they are tunnel-visioned.

Look at Raila for example - he get conned so many times - because he is a fool. He doesn't consider all scenarios. NAIVETY.


She thinks she is very smart for getting 34 out of 40 judges :) ; that is how a fool reason.

Now 34 judges will dispense justice. THERE IS NO JUSTICE WITHOUT RULE OF LAW. You break the rules - everything else is useless.

It either all or none.
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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2021, 05:59:49 PM »
Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.
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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #23 on: June 07, 2021, 06:06:53 PM »
About Ombudsman - ha! - like Tangatanga cares about the judiciary. Pundit is equally vehemently opposed to Interior CS chairing police council. But we know how the police lost their marginal autonomy: Duale and Jubilee changed the police act so that PORK now appoints the IG directly instead of the NPSC as before. While I never thought police should be independent of the executive in the first place - it is easy to see the Tangatanga hypocrisy.

Robina's interest and expectation is: BBI will be back and Ruto will lose next year. Then he can fight for judicial and police independence from the trenches.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2021, 06:18:57 PM »
Robina, unfortunately you learnt your politics in this nipate. If you were in the other nipate you would have noticed my cries to Uhuru to ensure he captures JSC before 2017 elections .Many like you then never understood why my interest was JSC untill 01 Sep Came in. If you have noticed here Im still singing on the same about the need of Ruto to ensure he has a say in JSC. I do understand something is being done behind the scenes .
Now going back to your post , Uhuru has the tilt in Judiciary but remember that is always temporary the balance can tilt either way and it dependent on elections of the members. Right now its minus one LSK woman rep , next year the male goes to election . He might have managed to put his stooge as CJ but that can change in a matter of months .
Lawayers playfield is the Judiciary thats where they become Multi miliionares now imagine going back to 90s where Judiciary was controlled by Govt , that means they wont eat , for them that a No No.
Judges themselves are classmates to the lawyers and because they are as corrupt as them , what they fear is BBI ombudsman. Take this to the bank if Koome assists in BBI being sneaked in through supreme court , She will find herself being bungled out of the office.

Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2021, 06:40:26 PM »

You captured it correctly. Judges have no guns or money or the public to fight the executive and the Legislature.  The only thing they have is their integrity.  This is why Koome is not going to support the rogue judges who think they can use the power of interpretation to to fight the executive branch.  The best way for the court to fight the executive branch is to remain fair and true to the law.  That is the only way they can win over the executive which has both the political, the military and the power of the purse.  In Kenya, you know you are in political trouble if you are being supported by Miguna and Havi, just for starters.

Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2021, 06:46:39 PM »
If Uhuru had captured the judiciary - he won't need BBI. He needs BBI to control the judiciary. Cok2010 sio Mchezo. Koome power is VERY VERY LIMITED. She is just the titular head. She has no power over anything much.

She is just there to inspire confidence - otherwise Cok2010 and laws and regulations - already dealt with many issues.

At the supreme court - she is just like any other judge.

CoA - is independent - and CJ has no role.

At High court - CJ only picks the bench - if it requires a bench- otherwise, cases are randomly assigned by a computer system.

What CJ and JSC can do is transfer judges and magistrates around - maybe.

Judges enjoy the security of tenure and it very hard to get the evidence you can take to tribunal - and remove them. That is why Uhuru has yet to share the evidence he has - because HE HAS NOTHING.

Our judiciary won't be easy to capture - hence BBI.

Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2021, 06:58:35 PM »
Wrong.  The chief Justice has a lot of powers if one first understands how to use it politically but appear none-political at the same time. The first rule is to never fight the other branches until you have another branch or the public solidly on your side.  Never issue orders against the executive or the legislature unless you are sure its going to be obeyed, otherwise use diplomacy alot to find amicable solutions, and compromises then issue orders that are consistent with those compromises. Hopefully Koome understand all this and will navigate like a goat walking the steep hils in search of fresh green leaves.  If she does this, she can be the most powerful person because everyone needs the law behind them.

If Uhuru had captured the judiciary - he won't need BBI. He needs BBI to control the judiciary. Cok2010 sio Mchezo. Koome power is VERY VERY LIMITED. She is just the titular head. She has no power over anything much.

She is just there to inspire confidence - otherwise Cok2010 and laws and regulations - already dealt with many issues.

At the supreme court - she is just like any other judge.

CoA - is independent - and CJ has no role.

At High court - CJ only picks the bench - if it requires a bench- otherwise, cases are randomly assigned by a computer system.

What CJ and JSC can do is transfer judges and magistrates around - maybe.

Judges enjoy the security of tenure and it very hard to get the evidence you can take to tribunal - and remove them. That is why Uhuru has yet to share the evidence he has - because HE HAS NOTHING.

Our judiciary won't be easy to capture - hence BBI.

Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.
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Offline Kichwa

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2021, 06:59:02 PM »
Wrong.  The chief Justice has a lot of powers if one first understands how to use it politically but appear none-political at the same time. The first rule is to never fight the other branches until you have another branch or the public solidly on your side.  Never issue orders against the executive or the legislature unless you are sure its going to be obeyed, otherwise use diplomacy alot to find amicable solutions, and compromises then issue orders that are consistent with those compromises. Hopefully Koome understand all this and will navigate like a goat walking the steep hils in search of fresh green leaves.  If she does this, she can be the most powerful person because everyone needs the law behind them even when they have the power to defy the law.

If Uhuru had captured the judiciary - he won't need BBI. He needs BBI to control the judiciary. Cok2010 sio Mchezo. Koome power is VERY VERY LIMITED. She is just the titular head. She has no power over anything much.

She is just there to inspire confidence - otherwise Cok2010 and laws and regulations - already dealt with many issues.

At the supreme court - she is just like any other judge.

CoA - is independent - and CJ has no role.

At High court - CJ only picks the bench - if it requires a bench- otherwise, cases are randomly assigned by a computer system.

What CJ and JSC can do is transfer judges and magistrates around - maybe.

Judges enjoy the security of tenure and it very hard to get the evidence you can take to tribunal - and remove them. That is why Uhuru has yet to share the evidence he has - because HE HAS NOTHING.

Our judiciary won't be easy to capture - hence BBI.

Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2021, 07:06:12 PM »
 Baseless inshas as is your default mode.
Wrong.  The chief Justice has a lot of powers if one first understands how to use it politically but appear none-political at the same time. The first rule is to never fight the other branches until you have another branch or the public solidly on your side.  Never issue orders against the executive or the legislature unless you are sure its going to be obeyed, otherwise use diplomacy alot to find amicable solutions, and compromises then issue orders that are consistent with those compromises. Hopefully Koome understand all this and will navigate like a goat walking the steep hils in search of fresh green leaves.  If she does this, she can be the most powerful person because everyone needs the law behind them.

If Uhuru had captured the judiciary - he won't need BBI. He needs BBI to control the judiciary. Cok2010 sio Mchezo. Koome power is VERY VERY LIMITED. She is just the titular head. She has no power over anything much.

She is just there to inspire confidence - otherwise Cok2010 and laws and regulations - already dealt with many issues.

At the supreme court - she is just like any other judge.

CoA - is independent - and CJ has no role.

At High court - CJ only picks the bench - if it requires a bench- otherwise, cases are randomly assigned by a computer system.

What CJ and JSC can do is transfer judges and magistrates around - maybe.

Judges enjoy the security of tenure and it very hard to get the evidence you can take to tribunal - and remove them. That is why Uhuru has yet to share the evidence he has - because HE HAS NOTHING.

Our judiciary won't be easy to capture - hence BBI.

Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2021, 09:53:04 PM »
The two posts are just total nonsense. If Mr. Biased wants to say something he knows after years here how to do it.

The judiciary has no tradition of suo motu actions. Much as I've ceaselessly urged it to take up matters of societal concern. If anyone will go after Ruto or any other corrupt individual it will be the government of the day. The judiciary will listen to and examine the evidence presented and make a determination. So it's just plain foolishness to peddle the LIE that the judiciary "goes after" anyone. It hasn't gone after Uhuru Kenyatta. But the next government- especially one he imposes be it Raila or MaDvD Eternal Compromise Candidate - will. Idiot hasn't learned if you are a corrupt president in Africa you're safe in retirement under a previously rabid leader of the opposition than someone from your party.

On Koome: She, like Njoki Ndungu, has no business at the Supreme Court of Kenya. By April Next year even Robina will be calling for her prompt removal. She won't benefit Uhuru because she's just too obtuse. An intellectual dwarf who can't read a full sentence. CJ is a position every president desires a stooge. But a brainless stooge with a long history of moral perfidy won't help. Why didn't the NiS share their extensive collection of sex videos with Uhuru before recommending the shyster? Sorry but I can tolerate a bribe taking judge if he doesn't go overboard but moral debauchery and incompetence just get me from the wrong side. One needs character to occupy certain positions. Koome lacks the character and will eventually be blackmailed by ruthless advocates. There was an advocate called Makecha who used to celebrate whenever a corrupt man became magistrate or judge. He never took up matters in plenary while defending criminals in cases he ALWAYS won. But would visit the chambers and when he came out the bench would have mellowed somewhat. Finally he wrote the "judgment" and gave the judge or magistrate to sign and read. Just for security he got his copy before it was read and ofcourse used it to shake more money out of the rich criminal client.

You'll see a lot of that because Lawyers are trained blackmailers.

Who are you referring to? 🤔
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2021, 10:41:19 PM »
All your predictions are falling like rocks these days and I can understand the bitterness.

Baseless inshas as is your default mode.
Wrong.  The chief Justice has a lot of powers if one first understands how to use it politically but appear none-political at the same time. The first rule is to never fight the other branches until you have another branch or the public solidly on your side.  Never issue orders against the executive or the legislature unless you are sure its going to be obeyed, otherwise use diplomacy alot to find amicable solutions, and compromises then issue orders that are consistent with those compromises. Hopefully Koome understand all this and will navigate like a goat walking the steep hils in search of fresh green leaves.  If she does this, she can be the most powerful person because everyone needs the law behind them.

If Uhuru had captured the judiciary - he won't need BBI. He needs BBI to control the judiciary. Cok2010 sio Mchezo. Koome power is VERY VERY LIMITED. She is just the titular head. She has no power over anything much.

She is just there to inspire confidence - otherwise Cok2010 and laws and regulations - already dealt with many issues.

At the supreme court - she is just like any other judge.

CoA - is independent - and CJ has no role.

At High court - CJ only picks the bench - if it requires a bench- otherwise, cases are randomly assigned by a computer system.

What CJ and JSC can do is transfer judges and magistrates around - maybe.

Judges enjoy the security of tenure and it very hard to get the evidence you can take to tribunal - and remove them. That is why Uhuru has yet to share the evidence he has - because HE HAS NOTHING.

Our judiciary won't be easy to capture - hence BBI.

Uhuru has already captured the judiciary by rigging in Koome. Now he has 4 poodles at JSC - and maybe more. His main motivation is to control his succession - by pushing through BBI - which will be at SCORK in a few months. Screaming at Koome will get Tangatanga nowhere.

No smart judge will agree to join Odunga and Ngugi's personalized war with Uhuru. That is an unwinnable fight - as you can already see their names are irredeemably soiled not just the promotions. Now bloggers like Robert Alai are peddling dirt that NIS dossier on Odunga is about sex orgies. Respectful judges should stick to the law and remain strictly non-partisan - but these amigos literally hijacked BBI case to revisit PORK. Now they are equally being re-visited - mnalia nini sasa?

By the way, aren't yours just wishes? The 34 judges ALREADY happily took the oath - not a single boycott 8) Koome and the chief judges probably already assigned them new duties. Only a very silly judge will entangle themselves in that political fight. I don't need to check the news to know that fresh petition for the judges not to take the new jobs will be tossed out.

So Judges should be able to take promotion now and close eyes when BBI Ombudsman come to reality and you call your self a Proffesor.
What we are saying here is Uhuru should stop being partisan, he should have promoted all.
Uhuru to his credit managed to shaft Ruto and silence Raila, he is on a mission to capture Judiciary . What he did in Kisumu talking trash about Judiciary in Koome presence is akin to what his father did against Jaramogi. Then Jaramogi faught back and thats what we were expecting of Koome but guess what days later she was endorsing Uhuru breaking the law and undermiming Judiciary.
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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2021, 12:46:13 AM »
Which one?
All your predictions are falling like rocks these days and I can understand the bitterness.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Lawyers, Activists Will Eat Uhuru For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2021, 01:57:19 PM »
Where shall I begin-all of them since handshake.

Which one?
All your predictions are falling like rocks these days and I can understand the bitterness.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza