I don't speak to warriors. I am political pundit; analyzing politics, events, both locally and abroad;
When I analyze RV politics - I am not speaking as a warrior -

my ageset is no longer the warrior group anyway.
100K? Outside - but they are at least 3-4m out of 10m non-native residents in RV - I am talking about 1M Luhyas, 1M kikuyus, maybe 200K Gusiis, about similar number of Luos and others - mostly settled in Kalenjin.
In fact - the reason Kalenjin will fight - is because they have 100K people outside - so any revenge attacks will be minimal. If they were spread all over - they won't be trigger or arrow happy.
That is huge leverage that Kalenjin have - and they have pulled that hostage card in 92, 98 (when Kibaki attempted to go to Court of Appeal) and 2007.
I don't think Kalenjin need anybody to fight for them - refer again to 92 - when Kabila ndogo la Moi was fighting all the major tribes.
This is the leverage Ruto has - that Raila doesn't - and this is why Mt Kenya people are also very careful.
Even if 10m Kalejin, all apart from 100K crammed in parts of RV. Who will you terrorise? In 95% of Kenya you have no say. Only one Kalejin MP outside RV and that by accident.
Tell the warriors to lay low like envelopes as for this time they will not have the majority of Kenyans on their side the day they decide to cause havoc.
I have mentioned to you several times, never count on a Kikuyu ready to loose his life for the sake of a Ruto presidency.
Ndoto ya mchana. Kalenjin are now about 7m against kikuyu 8m. In the next decade Kalenjin will be equal in population with kikuyus. It's likely the reverse will happen
. You're joking with fire. This is no 1990s - Kabila ndogo la Moi - BBC use to say.