Author Topic: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade  (Read 4655 times)

Offline Kadudu

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2021, 12:55:47 PM »
Where were you when elections were being stolen in broadday light in 2013 and 2017? It is too late to demand the same when your man is not having the systemon his side.

As of your war mongering, the Kalejin do not have the sole rights of violence.

Free, Fair and credible elections.  :D :D :DThat simple. Uhuru should ensure IEBC is ready and the courts are also ready. If not - he better employs at least another 0.5M police - because the 40,000 kenya police cannot stop a civil war.

Are we having free election - NOPE - UDA has been hounded for the last 4yrs - by Matiangi and Uhuru. That already means elections are getting rigged. UDA cannot meet aspirants, campaign, participate in by-elections - without POLICE VIOLENCE;

Now when UDA supporter reaches their BREAKING POINT and return back the violence - you'll come and cry to ICC.

Now continue testing the breaking or the boiling point.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2021, 01:10:09 PM »
Well, as long as you are as prepared as they are, it will be an evenly matched fight, otherwise, you might come here and cry, yet I warned you. Obviously like I said every situation has its unique circumstance. This one will not be stone-throwing in Kondele or Kibra. You better be prepared - or call for free, fair and credible elections.
Where were you when elections were being stolen in broadday light in 2013 and 2017? It is too late to demand the same when your man is not having the systemon his side.

As of your war mongering, the Kalejin do not have the sole rights of violence.

Offline GeeMail

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2021, 01:27:40 PM »
If we end up in ICC it is because someone got worriers and incited them to violence. A lot of evils are happening right now and no civil war. Joblessness, inflation, insecurity, crime... Why are you not beating war drums on this to your man who is Numero Deux? And all the best you can do is to sound war cries on politrix because your man is cornered. You need to be reminded that he got himself where he is. He had a good chance to be Numero Uno if he had played his role as Numero Deux and it would have been smooth all the way. Now he is #2 but not really so. By that he has messed up for himself and created a monster he cannot handle. His boss is a monster to him. His opponents have replaced him somehow. He has killed his own office of Numero Deux. He has killed the opposition by creating a vacuum that nature abhors. So Zamunda has neither a Numero Deux nor an opposition. he is not playing opposition either. he pretends to defend constitutionalism on a Constitution he opposed. He defends integrity when (Kichwa says) every Grade Two child knows who the thief is. He is his own worst enemy.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2021, 02:34:07 PM »
Kenya is not yet a nation. It's a state - with many nations. We have Luo Nation, Kalenjin Nation, Mt Kenya nation, Somali Nation and the rest. Elections are big deal - and if mismanaged can lead to civil war. Salva Kir mismanaged and mishandled Machar - we told him - for free - that Nuer nation would not accept that - and he refused. He has set back south sudan 10yrs - back to stone age - and has had to returned Machar. We warned Ethiopia gov not go to war with Tigrays - who had already lost power and were minding their business - they didn't listen (it's like Kibaki following Kalenjin after they had hander power in 2002 - he created a big war in 2007 and reset the economy back to 2 percent he inherited from MOi) - now they are gnashing their teeth in a war they cannot win. The 5m tigrays in their highlands are doing damage - and have dug in the long run. Everyone is telling stupid Abbiy to negotiate, get hell out of tigray and save Ethiopia - but he aint listening - soon Tigray will be a break away nation. Everyone told US - they couldn't win in Vietnam, Afgan,Iraq- and they didn't listen. So many lifes and money later - they now clearly understand.

Now to Kichwa Mbaya - grade 2 - how Uhuru manages his transition - where the Kalenjin/Ruto nation are the main contenders - could as well determine whether kenya continues to be a progressive nation or like other Africa countries - is send back to stone age.

My free advice remain - conduct free, fair and credible elections - the whole process starting now - and recall the frustrated Matiangi from security - let every politician do their thing. Ruto can be beaten fairly. All they need to do is to UNITE against him. They can beat him squarely by doing a NASA 45 percent - and then go for 5 from the civil war in Jubilee party. They can achieve their political objective - without provoking war - by simply doing politics - and leaving independent institutions like police, iebcs and the courts to do the fair and free job.

So far Uhuru, Matiangi and Koome are definitely ICC suspects numbers 1), 2) and 3) for me. Koome might have killed the supreme court - which was created almost specifically to listen to presidential appeal.

If we end up in ICC it is because someone got worriers and incited them to violence. A lot of evils are happening right now and no civil war. Joblessness, inflation, insecurity, crime... Why are you not beating war drums on this to your man who is Numero Deux? And all the best you can do is to sound war cries on politrix because your man is cornered. You need to be reminded that he got himself where he is. He had a good chance to be Numero Uno if he had played his role as Numero Deux and it would have been smooth all the way. Now he is #2 but not really so. By that he has messed up for himself and created a monster he cannot handle. His boss is a monster to him. His opponents have replaced him somehow. He has killed his own office of Numero Deux. He has killed the opposition by creating a vacuum that nature abhors. So Zamunda has neither a Numero Deux nor an opposition. he is not playing opposition either. he pretends to defend constitutionalism on a Constitution he opposed. He defends integrity when (Kichwa says) every Grade Two child knows who the thief is. He is his own worst enemy.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2021, 03:45:08 PM »
Where were you when elections were being stolen in broadday light in 2013 and 2017? It is too late to demand the same when your man is not having the systemon his side.

As of your war mongering, the Kalejin do not have the sole rights of violence.

Free, Fair and credible elections.  :D :D :DThat simple. Uhuru should ensure IEBC is ready and the courts are also ready. If not - he better employs at least another 0.5M police - because the 40,000 kenya police cannot stop a civil war.

Are we having free election - NOPE - UDA has been hounded for the last 4yrs - by Matiangi and Uhuru. That already means elections are getting rigged. UDA cannot meet aspirants, campaign, participate in by-elections - without POLICE VIOLENCE;

Now when UDA supporter reaches their BREAKING POINT and return back the violence - you'll come and cry to ICC.

Now continue testing the breaking or the boiling point.
Bury your head in sand kabisa. All your investment s in RV will be audited. Ofcourse kalenjin don't have monopoly of violence but violence will be taking part in their heartland. Your guess is as good as mine what will happen. As a Mumeru I don't care anymore we ourselves are very okay we never go to other kabilas to buy land and settle. Our homelnad is our stronghold we won't have any sleepless nights. Unfortunately Mbaluja,Mogusii,Okuyu Will have to beba gondoro.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2021, 10:16:54 PM »
What I can predict will happen if things go south ...Ruto will run to exile - on fears of his life - Machar style - he might actually go to Netherlands - and find himself an apartment next to ICC - or something like that.This way he will proof that he is not in any way involved in kalenjin war. Maybe he will be in Poland - with her daughter and the nigerian husband. The other time he took himself to Ocampo but Ocampo was not interested.

In any case all Ruto will need is to address international media - and put international pressure on kenya.

Coz Kalenjin war machine doesn't need him to do anything - it will self-activate.He was in Nairobi in 2007 doing ODM pressers.  At some point desperate PNU claimed Ruto was sending coded language in those pressers :)

Kalenjin volcano will erupt. It will only be stopped when Kenya gov  bring Ruto, repeat the election supervised by maybe the UN and swear him in.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2021, 12:34:28 AM »
What I can predict will happen if things go south ...Ruto will run to exile - on fears of his life - Machar style - he might actually go to Netherlands - and find himself an apartment next to ICC - or something like that.This way he will proof that he is not in any way involved in kalenjin war. Maybe he will be in Poland - with her daughter and the nigerian husband. The other time he took himself to Ocampo but Ocampo was not interested.

In any case all Ruto will need is to address international media - and put international pressure on kenya.

Coz Kalenjin war machine doesn't need him to do anything - it will self-activate.He was in Nairobi in 2007 doing ODM pressers.  At some point desperate PNU claimed Ruto was sending coded language in those pressers :)

Kalenjin volcano will erupt. It will only be stopped when Kenya gov  bring Ruto, repeat the election supervised by maybe the UN and swear him in.

They will be crushed Tigray style. Cheza na Jeshi wewe. Be careful what you wish for, lest you lose more land to madoadoa. Arrows are no match for modern armour my fren. You will be decimated, no place to run it will be genocide. KDF will permanently occupy your farmlands like NEP with attendant abuses. Kuzidi you guys have no friends among other kabilas it will be open season on you similar to how Amhara militias went into Tigray and committed massacres.I pray that doesn't happen, I have many friends from that community. Bide your time, if Ruto doesn't get it as you say he is young another time will come. You already had 21 years of rule, it would be churlish for you guys to create another msukosuko because your power hungry. 
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2021, 04:53:15 AM »
Kalenjins are arseholes that are primitive. Fuck them people
 We kikuyus will rule them until they become civilized

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2021, 05:24:30 AM »
If the mighty British could not beat the Nandi for 11yrs in 1900 - pray how will KDF do it now (remember British fighting Nandis were EAAR/KAR - which later became KDF) :) :) - I mean the KDF cannot beat Pokots to this day - leave alone Kalenjin entire community stretching 10 counties from Narok to West Pokot - KDF only manage to handle the tiny Mt Elgon Sabaot - SDLF had already defeated police and GSU. Underestimate the Kalenjin war machine at your own cost. If it comes to acquiring modern weapons - firearms - that is pretty easy. There is more to war than weaponry.
They will be crushed Tigray style. Cheza na Jeshi wewe. Be careful what you wish for, lest you lose more land to madoadoa. Arrows are no match for modern armour my fren. You will be decimated, no place to run it will be genocide. KDF will permanently occupy your farmlands like NEP with attendant abuses. Kuzidi you guys have no friends among other kabilas it will be open season on you similar to how Amhara militias went into Tigray and committed massacres.I pray that doesn't happen, I have many friends from that community. Bide your time, if Ruto doesn't get it as you say he is young another time will come. You already had 21 years of rule, it would be churlish for you guys to create another msukosuko because your power hungry. 

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2021, 05:25:37 AM »
Ndoto ya mchana. Kalenjin are now about 7m against kikuyu 8m. In the next decade Kalenjin will be equal in population with kikuyus. It's likely the reverse will happen :). You're joking with fire. This is no 1990s - Kabila ndogo la Moi - BBC use to say.
Kalenjins are arseholes that are primitive. Fuck them people
 We kikuyus will rule them until they become civilized

Offline Kadudu

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2021, 12:11:46 PM »
Even if 10m Kalejin, all apart from 100K crammed in parts of RV. Who will you terrorise? In 95% of Kenya you have no say. Only one Kalejin MP outside RV and that by accident.
Tell the warriors to lay low like envelopes as for this time they will not have the majority of Kenyans on their side the day they decide to cause havoc.

I have mentioned to you several times, never count on a Kikuyu ready to loose his life for the sake of a Ruto presidency.

Ndoto ya mchana. Kalenjin are now about 7m against kikuyu 8m. In the next decade Kalenjin will be equal in population with kikuyus. It's likely the reverse will happen :). You're joking with fire. This is no 1990s - Kabila ndogo la Moi - BBC use to say.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: For Kadudu - nothing will happen brigade
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2021, 01:40:45 PM »
I don't speak to warriors. I am political pundit; analyzing politics, events, both locally and abroad;
When I analyze RV politics - I am not speaking as a warrior - :) my ageset is no longer the warrior group anyway.

100K? Outside - but they are at least 3-4m out of 10m non-native residents in RV - I am talking about 1M Luhyas, 1M kikuyus, maybe 200K Gusiis, about similar number of Luos and others - mostly settled in Kalenjin.

In fact - the reason Kalenjin will fight - is because they have 100K people outside - so any revenge attacks will be minimal. If they were spread all over - they won't be trigger or arrow happy.

That is huge leverage that Kalenjin have - and they have pulled that hostage card in 92, 98 (when Kibaki attempted to go to Court of Appeal) and 2007.

I don't think Kalenjin need anybody to fight for them - refer again to 92 - when Kabila ndogo la Moi was fighting all the major tribes.

This is the leverage Ruto has - that Raila doesn't - and this is why Mt Kenya people are also very careful.

Even if 10m Kalejin, all apart from 100K crammed in parts of RV. Who will you terrorise? In 95% of Kenya you have no say. Only one Kalejin MP outside RV and that by accident.
Tell the warriors to lay low like envelopes as for this time they will not have the majority of Kenyans on their side the day they decide to cause havoc.

I have mentioned to you several times, never count on a Kikuyu ready to loose his life for the sake of a Ruto presidency.

Ndoto ya mchana. Kalenjin are now about 7m against kikuyu 8m. In the next decade Kalenjin will be equal in population with kikuyus. It's likely the reverse will happen :). You're joking with fire. This is no 1990s - Kabila ndogo la Moi - BBC use to say.